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Rabu, 30 September 2009

"Hello, we're still standing here"

Tokio Hotel's second English-language album comes out next Tuesday and I honestly didn't care one way or another until I heard the fantastic single Automatic. I've always admired these guys' style more than their music, but that could change soon. They've adopted a slightly dancier sound for Humanoid, and on some tracks it works amazingly. An early highlight is Darkside Of The Sun, which has some great, aggressive industrial verses that are probably the catchiest thing on the album. THIS is the sound these guys should be aiming for, because it is very, very fun (although, to be fair, "fun" probably isn't really what they're going for). It reminds me quite a bit of when Orgy covered Blue Monday about a decade or so ago. This is better, though--more energy.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Selasa, 29 September 2009

"It's gonna burn us alive"

Dragonette's second album comes out today in Canada and Australia. I already took my twenty minute drive up to BC to snag a copy, though the band was nice enough to supply me with the album for review in my email today (and review it I shall, when I've had some time to digest it). Though I've only listened to the album once on the way home today, I wanted to post a song so that you can get an idea of how amazing this band is if you've never heard of them before. Any track from the album would display this, but Liar really stuck out to me on first listen. It's a little more subdued than other album tracks, but has a really pretty melody that reminds me in parts of Lykke Li's I'm Good, I'm Gone. Oh, and if you haven't seen it already, check out the video for Boys & Girls (with Martin Solveig). It's one of my favorites of the year.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Senin, 28 September 2009

"I gave it all for the long run"

Selena Gomez's debut comes out tomorrow and I definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys pure pop music. Interestingly, I've read wildly diverging reviews of the album, from Entertainment Weekly's total trashing of the record to AMG's glowing words. I probably fall somewhere in the middle. I mean, the vocals are not what this record is about, nor do they need to be. But the production and songwriting is consistent and great for this genre, and Gomez is an appealing frontwoman (perhaps not as appealing as she is when acting, but nonetheless...). I Won't Apologize is the only track she shares a writing credit on, and although it didn't jump out at me upon first listen, it's one of my favorites now. I love the electronic pop/rock sound of this, and the chorus is very infectious.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Minggu, 27 September 2009

New Feature, Login With Facebook Username

Beberapa bulan yang lalu Facebook meluncurkan fitur Facebook Username, yakni penggunaan alamat URL tidak lagi menggunakan nomor ID yang panjang dan sulit dihapalkan tetapi menggunakan Username atau nickname sesuai pilihan pengguna. Apabila sampai saat ini belum mengganti alamat URL dengan Username masih ada kesempatan buat memilihnya atau kalo yang udah mebggunakan tapi pengen ganti boleh juga kok lihat posting sebelumnya di SINI.

Tanggal 22 September 2009 kemarin sebagai lanjutan dari fitur Facebook Username tersebut, kali ini Facebook memberikan kemudahan lagi untuk Login ke account Facebook cukup menggunakan Username yang sudah dipilh tersebut, jadi tidak lagi menggunakan alamat email yang panjang dan mungkin juga lupa kalau jarang buka Facebook.

Kemudahan ini selain berlaku untuk buka account Facebook via web browser tetapi juga berlaku apabila membuka Facebook via mobile phone termasuk dengan aplikasi BlackBerry atau iPhone. Login ini juga berlaku pada website yang Facebook Connect enable.

Silahkan memanfaatkan kemudahan ini buat login di Facebook.

Misteri Logo Google Bulan Ini

Terkuak sudah rangkaian Logo Google yang misterius bulan ini. Ada 3 buah logo Google yang ditayangkan di homepage Google, mulai dari tanggal 5 September 2009 (Unexplained Phenomenon) trus tanggal 14 September 2009 dengan Crop Circle dan yang terakhir tanggal 21 September 2009 kemarin untuk memperingati 143 tahun kelahiran Herbert George Weels salah seorang penulis science fiction genre, semua logo yang terbit terinspirasi oleh karya HG Wells.

Simak secara lengkap Google Logo yang misterius ini:

Edisi: Herbert George Wells's Birthday
Date: 21.Sep.2009

Edisi: Crop Circle
Date: 14 Sep.2009

Edisi: Unexplained Phenomenon
Date: 05.Sept.2009

New Feature ÜberTwitter Versi 0.925

Anda seorang Tweeters dan Selalu nge-tweets 24 jam menggunakan perangkat BlackBerry? Kalo jawabannya Ya pasti kenal dengan ÜberTwitter yang terkenal digunakan segala kalangan twiteers. Banyak keunggulan aplikasi UberTwitter dibanding aplikasi sejenis untuk BlackBerry seperti TwitterBery. Versi terdahulu UberTwitter sudah menggunakan penunjuk lokasi disetiap tweets, setiap upload foto & video bahkan di profil location berdasarkan posisi BST seluler atau GPS (sesuai pilihan), jadi terlihat peta atau map tempat melakukan posting tweet atau foto & video secara detail dan update.

Keunggulan lain ÜberTwitter antaran lain dapat juga di atur untuk upadte bersamaan status di GoogleTalk/Gtalk. Penggunaannya juga mudah dibanding Twitter versi web atau versi mobile, sudah tersedia lengkap antar alain menu New Tweet, @mention, Direct Mesage, Reply, Replly All, Retweet, Favourite, Block, List Friends, List Follower, Everyone, Everyone Near You dan My Timeline.

Untuk melihat Trending Topics atau tema yang sedang ramai dibicarakan di Twitter juga mudah sekali selain itu ada menu untuk pencarian di Twitter permasuk pencarian nama pengguna Twitter yang belum di-follow. Hasil posting atau tweet selain dapat di Retweet (meneruskan hasil postingan oeang lain) juga dapat melakukan Copy Tweet misalnya untuk dipasang di Facebook atau di blog.

Dari versi sebelumnya, ÜberTwitter sudah mendukung multiple account yakni beberapa account dapat dibuka dalam satu aplikasi UberTwitter. Di versi terbaru UberTwitter 0.925 yang baru rilis kemarin ada beberapa tambahan baru seperti penyempurnaan photo sharing, kali ini integrasi dengan TweetPhoto dengan penyempurnaan tambahan adanya tombol like/ dislike serta adanya menu komentar. Semua foto yang pernah diupload juga tidak tercecer karena terkumpul menjadi satu account TweetPhoto dan dapat di share ke teman yang lain. Tambahan fitur yang lain adalah menu Email Tweet untuk menerusan hasil tweet ke teman menggunakan email, Notifikasi pemberitahuan adanya tweets baru juga sudah terlihat di homescreen BlackBerry sejajar dengan notifikasi Facebook atau yang lainnya, kalau sebelumnya hanya nongol di icon UberTwitter, notifikasi ini berlaku untuk New Tweets, New Reply dan New Direct Message.

Silahkan mencoba layanan baru ÜberTwitter di Blackberry anda dengan download aplikasi via browser BlackBerry di http://www.ubertwitter.com/bb/download.php, mumpung gratis alias free dan jangan lupa follow me on http://twitter.com/tamtomo2

Written By: Tamtomo


Sabtu, 26 September 2009

Happy Birthday Google! (11th Google Birthday Logo)

Seperti tahun tahun sebelumnya Google sebagai salah satu mesin pencari terbesar memperingati ultahnya kali ini yang ke 11 hari ini (27 Sep 2009) dengan mengeluarkan logo khususnya. Situs bikinan Larry Page dan Sergey Brin saat masih menjadi mahasiswa di Universitas Stanford ini sudah beranak pinak menjadi tidak hanya berbisnis di search engine saja, mulai dari layanan iklan online, blogging, video online, mail server, browser, operating system bahkan mobile os serta layanan lainnya yang sudah dikuasainya. Saat ini Google masih bersaing ketat dengan Microsoft & Yahoo! untuk menguasai dunia internet dan komputer.

Ultah Google selalu dirayakan di tanggal 7 September dan 27 September, kalo di tanggal 7 adalah waktu didirikannya Google secara resmi sedang pendaftaran domain Google.Com sendiri di tanggal 15 September 1997, tetrapi setiap tahun Google merayakan secara resmi dengan logo khusus di setiap tanggal 27 September sebagai hari ultah resminya.

Di ultah ke 11 ini logo Google tidak banyak dihiasi pernak-pernik ultah seperti tahun sebelumnya, hanya perubahan huruf "L" yang diganti dengan angka "11".

Happy Birthday Google.

Koleksi Logo Ultah Tahun Sebelumnya:

Kamis, 24 September 2009

Track-by-Track: Mika - The Boy Who Knew Too Much

I have a list of albums that I've been wanting to review, and I keep telling myself that I will write them up. And I will. Eventually. For today, here's the new one from Mika, out this week.

1. We Are Golden - The first single, this really represents the direction that I hoped that this album would go. Big, bombastic, choral. I still love this track, though maybe not as much as I did a month or so ago. The album version has a slightly longer ending. It doesn't really change anything. 10/10

2. Blame It On The Girls - Beginning with an unnecessary spoken bit, the track quickly launches into a stomping, singalong dance track. Among the more addictive material on the album, this is the next single (or so I've heard). 9/10

3. Rain - The Stuart Price produced masterpiece of the album, this is a thrilling, lush electronic dance track that uses Mika's sometimes grating vocals to their best effect. Definitely the Relax of this album. 10/10

4. Dr. John - A campy, Elton John-esque uptempo track that fluctuates between endearing fun and annoying filler each time I listen to it. Right now I'm quite liking it, though. 7/10

5. I See You - The middle-of-the-road ballad of the album. There is one later on that's much better and one that's worse, so I guess this is just sorta there. Background vocals are nice, though. 6/10

6. Blue Eyes - I loved this song on the Songs For Sorrow EP and was slightly irritated to find it on the album rather than a new song, but it's still very nice. A breezier, more organic sound. 8/10

7. Good Gone Girl - Certainly catchy, but it also represents the annoying part of Mika's shtick. It's a little theatrical. And by little, I mean dramatically. Now I love drama in music, but this is a little annoying. 5/10

8. Touches You - This is more like it! Back to the choral sound of the first track, this isn't quite as strong, but the drama in this one feels more appropriate. It's got a harder edge to it. I like that. 8/10

9. By The Time - This is the ballad I was talking about earlier, the best of the bunch by far. Very pretty melody on this one, and one of Mika's best slower songs. His voice sounds very nice here. 9/10

10. One Foot Boy - Another very catchy uptempo track with some great, subtle hooks. I'll repeat the word subtle, because of all the uptempo tracks here this one doesn't call attention to itself. It's more addicting because of that. 9/10

11. Toy Boy - This worked alright on the EP, but it's a little annoying here. Again, it's Mika's theatricality at its most grating. Putting the lyrics aside, it sounds like it was written for a Disney move in the 1950's. 6/10

12. Pick Up Off The Floor - This is the other ballad I was talking about earlier, the one that doesn't work so well. Honestly, I skip it most of the time. The falsetto is irritating and there's not enough of a melody to keep me coming back for more. 4/10

13. Loverboy - Slightly better, though this feels very much like a b-side (I believe it was, earlier, wasn't it?). It's uptempo, I guess, but devoid of energy. Not a favorite. 5/10

Album Grade: 7.4/10

Rabu, 23 September 2009

Pop Blitz

Trying something a little different today. There are a bunch of new singles out now so I wanted to give them each a little time.

Robbie Williams - Bodies
Almost several songs in one, William's new single is a hodgepodge of sounds. Electro, gospel, soaring ballad. Some bits are better than others. The lyrics annoy me, but I like the melody. B-

Alphabeat - The Spell
It's somewhat of a shift of sound, far dancier and 90's-influenced than previous work. Very Ace of Base. Unfortunately, I've never liked Ace of Base. It's not the sound I was really hoping for from these guys, but it's definitely growing on me. And the opening ad-lib is epic. B

Janet Jackson - Make Me
Janet's most upbeat dance single in a long while, this is a treat for any longtime fan to hear. The simple hook seems a bit slight at first but it's totally a grower. And the beat is totally funky. A-

Cheryl Cole - Fight For This Love
Girls Aloud girl goes solo, comes up with something far more soulful and r&b oriented than I would have expected. It reminds me of Aaliyah, but not one of Aaliyah's better songs. The chorus rescues an underwhelming verse. C+

Carrie Underwood - Cowboy Casanova
Carrie's gone all Shania on us here, delivering an uptempo, pop-infused country track. Unfortunately, the melody's a bit lacking here. It feels very much like a retread of Before He Cheats. I'm sure she's hoping it'll also repeat that track's chart success. I don't think it will. C

Tokio Hotel - Automatic
Going for a slightly more electronic sound this time around, the glam-rockers crafted a soaring mini-anthem with this new single. I'd never connected with any of their music until this song. A-

Kris Allen - Live Like We're Dying
For the Idol's debut single he's covered a b-side from UK band the Script. It's alright, I guess. It's got that Jason Mraz sound to it. I just can't help but wonder why we need yet another Jason Mraz type. C+

Senin, 21 September 2009

"When you're wondering where you're from you're not the only one"

Sweden's electronic duo Kite are back with their second EP, titled 2. It comes out in the middle of next month, but their label has some samples available for download. For those not in the know, one half of Kite is made up of Nicklas Stenemo, former lead singer of the Mo/bassist for Melody CLub and one of my absolute favorite vocalists/songwriters in the world. Kite has often been an indier type of group, focusing more on glitchy electronics than out an out pop music, but they did come up with the epic Ways To Dance last year. For this EP, they have at least one unabashedly poptastic track in Cannonballs. I'm not going to talk about the dubious lyrics, because the less said about them the better, but I am quite obsessed with the melody and vocals. It's not too far off from the type of stuff the Mo used to do. Throw in a bit of the Similou style of happy dancepop, and you have Cannonballs. It's guaranteed to make you feel good. I can't wait to hear the rest of the EP (though you can hear two other awesome tracks at their myspace, including first single Looking For Us, which I also highly recommend).

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder and download more free music here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Taylor Lautner Address

Taylor Lautner Address
Taylor Lautner
Hollywood Actor

Name: Taylor Lautner
Birth Name: Taylor Daniel Lautner
Height: 5' 6"
Sex: Male
Nationality: American
Birth Date: February 11, 1992
Birth Place: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Profession: actor
Education: Valencia High School, Santa Clarita, California
Sister: Makena Lautner

Taylor Lautner's Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:

Taylor Lautner Address #1:
William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
9601 Wilshire Blvd.
3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Taylor Lautner Address #2:
Taylor Lautner
Management 360
9111 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills,
CA 90210 USA

Taylor Lautner Address #3:
Taylor Lautner
P.O. Box 802798
Valencia, CA 91380-2798

*** End of Taylor Lautner Address ***

Jumat, 18 September 2009

"Works better when sedated"

This track by Danish/Portuguese band M.A.U. (Man and Unable) (?!) showed up in my inbox and I was struck by how closely it resembles one of my favorite bands, Scissor Sisters, back when they were in demo form. Anyone who's heard the genius SS track Electrobix will certainly appreciate Toboggan. It's even got a female refrain towards the middle for that Ana Matronic touch. Towards the end, the track evolves into an instrumental electro-dance symphony of sorts. It's really pretty cool for a band I've certainly never heard of before. This track is the first from their upcoming third album. Yep, they have two older releases... I'll have to do some digging because this is very promising.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Kamis, 17 September 2009

"If you know the moves, yeah yeah"

Ok guys, so I'm not dead, despite the unplanned two day absence. I actually killed my back somehow (mysteriously) and couldn't stand, let alone type up a blog for nearly two days. Good times.
Anyway, I'm better now and back with a song covered on the fabulous Poster Girl earlier today. Like Miss PPG, I am a huge fan of Linda Sundblad's debut album and have eagerly awaited the next one. Now the launch single has been released and, though slightly denser in sound than I was expecting, it does not disappoint. Almost better than the schizo-melody of To All My Girls, though, is the unglamorous (but entertaining as hell) retro music video. The dancing alone is pretty crazy. Because of this (and because I don't have an mp3 yet), I'm linking to the video rather than the song. Sundblad looks remarkably un-popstarish (the outfits and styling do her no favors) but the attitude is 100% there. And I'm psyched that she didn't go rocky with this single. In fact, it's even more electronic than her previous releases.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Selasa, 15 September 2009

New Facebook Feature, Status Tagging Method

Salah satu fitur Facebook yang disukai saat ini adalah kemampuan tagging notes, foto dan video yang diupload dengan nama teman di Facebook, tagging atau penandaan nama teman pada notes, foto atau video ini akan langsung masuk ke Wall teman yang di-tag. Mengikuti kesuksesan tagging notes-foto-video tersebut Facebook merilis "status tagging method" yakni melakukan tagging nama teman, Pages, Groups bahkan Events pada saat update status Facebook.

Awalnya tagging di update status ini mirip dengan reply yang ada di Twitter menggunakan simbol @ untuk menulis account pengguna lain di Twitter, tetapi pada Facebook saat mengetikkan simbol @ yang diikuti beberapa huruf nama teman atau Pages atau Groups atau Event yang diinginkan akan muncul barisan nama-nama di drop down menu yang dapat dipilih, mungkin sebelumnya ingat pada saat melakukan Search teman di Facebook akan terjadi hal yang sama.

Agak menarik penggunaaan status tagging ini karena semua nama yang disebutkan dengan simbol @ tersebut akan mendapatkan notifikasi serta postingan di Wall masing-masing dan ini terjadi juga pada tagging Page dan profil pribadi, beda dengan tagging pada notes, foto atau video yang tak dapat melakukan tagging untuk Pages, tetapi untuk Pages inipun tergantung pengaturan administrator pengelolanya apakah mau menerima tag dari fans atau tidak.

Contoh update Status: "@Tamtomo sedang mendengarkan lagu terbaru @Muse di @Starbucks" maka yang akan terlihat di profil pribadi Tamtomo dan Fans Pages Muse adalah "Tamtomo sedang mendengarkan lagu terbaru Muse di Starbucks". Status tersebut akan terlihat di wall milik "Tamtomo", "Muse" dan "Starbucks". Mungkin akan lebih enak kalo ngumpul disuatu tempat rame-rame disuatu tempat dan ingin semua nama teman disebutin plus nama tempat dan event yang ada sehingga semua Wall teman yang disebutin tadi ada postingan yang sama.

Silahkanmencoba fitur baru ini, mumpung belum ada batasan penggunaan simbol @ di Facebook, maksudnya sih penyalahgunaan simbol @ buat nyebar spam.. So gunakan Facebook dengan bijak...!

Written by: Tamtomo


Senin, 14 September 2009

"We're gonna have a good time"

What else is there to say about the VMAs that hasn't been covered already? Performance wise, it was by far the best in recent memory, though still not up to its past glory. Gaga was brilliant, as expected. Beyonce was better than I thought she'd be (both creatively and personally), and Kanye made yet another case for why he is the biggest shithead in entertainment right now. I wish he and his overrated music would just go away. The real highlight for me, though, was the MJ tribute, featuring one of my favorite performers of all time... Janet Jackson. Words can't describe how much I adore her, and she didn't disappoint (though I wish there had been more of her). Better yet, after the show was over, she posted this new song (single?) on her website. Make Me is poppier than anything she's done for years, with a wicked electro/disco beat and a chorus that riffs on her brother's classic Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough. I'm not sure if this will be released to radio, but if it's any indication of the direction for the next album, I am totally psyched.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Confirm Or Ignore Your Friend Request On Facebook?

Pernahkan di Remove sebagai Friend di Facebook? Kalo pernah jangan berkecil hati, kalo belum pernah di remove tetapi pernah gak selalu melakukan Add Friend ke salah satu pengguna Facebook tetapi tidak di Confirm? atau bahkan di Ignore? Trus kalo kita sendiri melakukan Confirm, Ignore atau Remove Friend itu teman kita akan mengetahuinya?

Kita lihat satu persatu ya, apabila salah seorang melakukan Add Friend maka kita akan mendapatkan Notifikasi serta di Halaman Home kita akan terdapat Friend Request di Side Bar sebelah kanan atas. Friend Request tersebut apabila kita buka ada 2 pilihan Confirm atau Ignore, apabila berkenan menjadi teman maka klik aja Confirm (menerima) sedangkan apabila ragu-ragu atau tidak mau berkenan boleh aja klik Ignore (Menolak/ Mengabaikan) plus Send Message apabila pengen ada penjelasan. Kalo Remove Friend itu apabila pernah di Confirm sebagai Friend dan dihilangkan lagi atau dihapus dari daftar teman.

Trus bagaimana kalo kita melakukan ketiganya apakah pemilik account yang melakukan Add Friend akan mengetahuinya? Apabila melakukan Confirm, sang teman akan mengetahui melalui Notification yang dikirim serta berita pertemanan itu juga muncul di Wall kita maupun Wall teman dan dapat dilihat oleh Friend dalam jaringan kedua pihak (tetapi ini dapat juga diatur untuk tidak muncul di Wall). Kalo melakukan Ignore atau mengabaikan tidak akan diberitahukan ke teman yang melakukan Add Friend tetapi status teman tersebut masih dapat melakukan Add Friend terus-terusan sampai di Confirm, mungkin menganggap belum sempat melakukan Confirm atau karena terlalu banyak yang melakukan Friend Request. Untuk Remove Friend juga sama dengan Ignore Friend bedanya kalo Remove itu udah pernah jadi Friend tetapi lenyap dari Friend List karena salah satu sebab (saat ini udah ada tools yang membantu mengetahui apabila di Remove dari Friend List teman kita, tunggu aja Notes berikutnya).

Bagaimana kalo tidak dilakukan apa-apa atau tidak memilih Confirm atau Ignore alias menggantung di daftar Friend Request? Jawabannya salah satunya di halaman Wall kita akan penuh dengan Friend Request, jika ingin melakukan Ignore secara bareng-bareng juga bisa dengan klik Ignore All di sudut kanan atas juga tetapi tidak sebaliknya tida ada pilihan untuk Confirm All.
Memang kalo status sebagai teman tersebut menggantung atau masih berada di Friend Request maka jika dilihat oleh yang meminta sebagai teman akan muncul keterangan "Friend request pending" apabila dibuka di menu Friends - All Connection.

Itulah kira-kira pilihan kita dalam dunia pertemanan Facebook, mau mengabaikan atau menjadi teman atau justru akan menghilangkan. Semua pilihan juga sesuai hati nurani pengguna Facebook dan tergantung keinginan dan niat membuka account di Facebook, kalo bagi saya pribadi pertemanan di dunia Facebook selain menambah jaringan pertemanan juga akan menambah wawasan baru dan ilmu-ilmu baru yang tidak ditemukan dalam dunia nyata. So, gunakan Facebook dengan bijak!

Written By: Tamtomo
Comment On Facebook

Minggu, 13 September 2009

Review Layanan Baru Facebook Lite

Kemarin Facebook secara resmi meluncurkan layanan terbarunya Facebook Lite untuk umum yang menurut keterangan di homepagenya yang bergambar balon udara tiga buah (tak lagi peta dunia dengan jaringannya!) adalah The Fastest Way To Keep In Touch. Alamat Facebook Lite dapat ditemui di http://lite.facebook.com dengan account Facebook yang biasa.

Warna Facebook Lite masih sama yakni dominan biru tua, biru muda, abu-abu dan putih. Dibanding yang biasa, Facebook Lite lebih sederhana, di header hanya ada menu Profil, Events, Inbox, Setting, Log Out Dan kolom pencarian. Di halaman Home lebih sederhana hanya tersedia Top Stories, Notification dan Suggestion Friends.

Di halaman profil berbeda sekali dengan susunan yang berbeda seperti Wall, Info, Friends, Photos & Video dalam sidebar kiri sedang status hanya ada di wall bukan di samping nama. Di bawah nama pemilik account juga hanya tersdia menu untuk menulis Wall, posting foto dan video. Isi Wall lebih bersih dibanding Facebook biasanya. Notifikasi yang masuk juga akan muncul di footer, bukan di bawah sebelah kanan seperti versi biasanya.

Halaman Events berisi acara-acara yang ada saat ini sampai dengan ke depan dengan susuanan yang rapi termasuk juga tanggal ulang tahun Friends, di halaman ini juga terdapat Create Event untuk membuata suatu acara serta mengundang Friends untuk hadir. Di halaman Inbox cersi Facebook Lite ini hanya berisi pesan yang masuk dari pribadi maupun Groups tidak termasuk Updates dari Facebook Pages.Seperti biasa berisi Inbox, Sent, Unread, Search dan New Message.

Untuk pengaturan setting versi Lite ini hanya tersedia pengaturan Account (Email, Password, Mobile & Language) dan Privacy (Profile, Friendship dan External Website). Belum semua pengaturan aktif ada beberapa yang belum bisa dilakukan, untuk pen gaturan bahasa sudah tersedia 50 lebih bahasa di dunia termasuk Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Jawa (meski untuk Bahasa Jawa saat dicoba belum aktif).

Trus kalo Facebook Lite ini lebih cepat dengan menghilangkan beberapa fitur versi biasanya, salah satu korbannya adalah fitur Chat dan fitur Boxes dengan beberapa aplikasi yang menyertainya. Termasuk pilihan untuk masuk ke Groups dan Pages secara langsung juga sulit kecuali dari Info atau Search atau mengetikkan secara langsung alamat Pages. Membuat dan membaca Notes secara langsung juga tak ditemukan kecuali dari yang ada di Wall atau hapal dengan alamatnya seperti Notes yang saya buat dengan alamat http://lite.facebook.com/tamtomo/notes (ini berbeda dengan versi sebelumnya yang menggunakan nomor ID untuk setiap Notes). Kalo masalah iklan masih ada di sidebar sebelah kanan (saat ini baru terisi iklan tentang Facebook Lite).

Salah satu yang unik dari Facebook Lite ini adalah tersedianya tulisan terbalik (Upside Down) dan English (Pirate) dengan bahasa yang aneh. Penasaran? buka aja http://lite.facebook.com atau liat screenshot di bawah ini.

Written By: tamtomo
Follow Me On Twitter

Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Cameron Diaz Address

Cameron Diaz Address
Cameron Diaz
Hollywood Actress

Name: Cameron Diaz
Birth Name: Cameron Michelle Diaz
Height: 5' 9"
Sex: Female
Nationality: American
Birth Date: August 30, 1972
Birth Place: San Diego, California, USA
Profession: actress, model
Education: Long Beach Polytechnic High School in Long Beach, California
Father: Emilio Diaz
Mother: Billie Early
Sister: Chimene Diaz

Cameron Diaz's Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:

Cameron Diaz Address #1:
Cameron Diaz
14320 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 636
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423

Cameron Diaz Address #2:
Cameron Diaz
Special Artists Agency Inc.
9465 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 470
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Cameron Diaz Address #3:
Cameron Diaz
c/o Nick Styne
Creative Artists Agency
2000 Avenue Of The Stars
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: 310-288-4545
Fax: 310-288-4800

Cameron Diaz Address #4:
Cameron Diaz
c/o Brad Cafarelli
Pacific Design Center
8687 Melrose Avenue
8th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90069
Phone: 310-854-4800

Cameron Diaz Address #5:
Cameron Diaz
c/o Marcy Morris
Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer Austen Mandelbaum & Morris
1888 Century Park East
18th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Cameron Diaz Address #6:
Cameron Diaz
345 North Maple Drive #397
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3856

Cameron Diaz Address #7:
Cameron Diaz
955 South Carrillo Drive #300
Los Angeles, CA 90048-5400

Cameron Diaz Address #8:
Cameron Diaz
450 North Rossmore Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90004

*** End of Cameron Diaz Address ***

Heikki Kovalainen |

Heikki Kovalainen Image
Heikki Johannes Kovalainen (born October 19, 1981 in Suomussalmi, Finland) is a Finnish Formula One racing driver currently racing for the McLaren Mercedes team.
He was supported by the Renault Driver Development programme early in his racing career, during which he won the World Series by Nissan championship and finished runner-up in the GP2 series. Renault signed him on as a full-time Formula One test driver for 2006, and then promoted him to a race seat for 2007. He gained his first podium by finishing second in the Japanese Grand Prix.

He moved to McLaren for the 2008 season, where he partners Lewis Hamilton. His second season saw him achieve his first pole position at Silverstone and his first victory at Hungaroring, becoming the 100th driver to win a Formula One Grand Prix. He remained with the team for the 2009 season.

Source : Wikipedia.com

Jumat, 11 September 2009

Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton Photo
Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE (born 7 January 1985 in Stevenage, Hertfordshire) is a British Formula One racing driver from England, currently racing for the McLaren Mercedes team and is the youngest ever Formula One World Champion. He was named after American sprinter Carl Lewis.
At the age of ten Lewis approached the McLaren team principal, Ron Dennis, at the 1995 Autosport Awards ceremony and told him "I want to race for you one day." Less than three years later, he was signed by McLaren and Mercedes-Benz to their Young Driver Support Programme. After winning the British Formula Renault, Formula Three Euroseries and GP2 championships on his way up the racing career ladder, he became a McLaren F1 driver for 2007, making his Formula One debut 12 years after his initial encounter with Dennis. Coming from a mixed-race background, with a black father and white mother, Hamilton is often labelled "the first black driver in Formula One".

In his first season in Formula One Hamilton set numerous records and finished second in the 2007 Formula One Championship one point behind Kimi Räikkönen. His first world championship was won the following season, ahead of Felipe Massa by the same margin of a single point. He has stated that he wants to stay with the McLaren team for the rest of his F1 career.

Source : Wikipedia.com

Blokir Aplikasi All My My Friends! dan Friends Character di Facebook

Beberapa hari ini mungkin di Wall Facebook anda dibanjiri foto-foto plus tagging dari 2 aplikasi All My My Friends! dan Friends Character. Awalnya mungkin suka dengan aplikasi baru ini yang menampilkan foto profil kita berderet dengan Friends pemasang aplikasi ini, ada yang dihargai dengan nilai dollar di Pickup Friends atau karakter yang ada di foto kita meski belum tentu sama atau bahkan dengan gambar kartun yang gak terlalu bagus dengan nama kita. 2 hari aplikasi ini aktif Wall Facebook langsung penuh dengan foto-foto yang hampir mirip dengan tagging account kita dari berbagai teman.

Mungkin juga teman yang menggunakan aplikasi ini tidak sengaja atau tidak tahu kalo akan menjadi semacam virus yang menyebar luar dari teman ke teman, repotnya lagi aplikasi ini otomatis melakukan tagging foto dan masuk ke album foto Friends dan memenuhi Wall. Udah beberapa hari ini bersih-bersih dinding alias me-remove tagging karena mungkin ada teman lain yang kasih komentar dan masuk notifikasi. Merepotkan juga sih kalo terus-terusan apalagi jumlah Friends udah ribuan gini.

Awalnya sih dibiarin aja tetapi hari kedua terpaksa nge-block aplikasi ini biar kita gak kena tagging foto. Caranya gampang kok buka Application Page kedua aplikasi ini, misalnya Friends Character dan All my Friends!. Cari tulisan Block For Apllication di sudut kiri atas di bawah foto profil setelah itu klik aja. Dijamin gak akan ada lagi sampah yang masuk kecuali ada aplikasi serupa yang juga gak diinginkan, coba aja dengan cara yang sama buka Application Page-nya.

Selamat bersih-bersih dinding/ wall sebelum Lebaran kali ini....

Written By: Tamtomo

"Baby, I hate days like this"

I'm still sorta working out my thoughts on Mika's new album. I'd say a solid three quarters of it is pretty darn good (and I'm one of the We Are Golden fans), but the end gets a bit ballad-heavy and some tracks suffer from that annoying cutesy, precocious theatricality that's always been Mika's greatest flaw in my eyes. When he gets it right, though, he gets it right. Rain is one of his most stunning songs, and it would be a shame if it didn't get a single release. A throbbing, Stuart Price-produced dance track, it builds and builds until erupting with a fantastic chorus that uses Mika's falsetto to its best possible effect. It pretty much outshines everything else on the album, which at times sounds more like a collection of b-sides than a confident return. Still, I'd settle for Mika b-sides any day

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Kamis, 10 September 2009

"There's no such thing as a miracle"

For their new album, Boys Like Girls have borrowed heavily from rock bands of the 80's. Think Bon Jovi and Def Leppard. They've also upped the electronic influence, becoming a band very different than the one heard on the first album. There are still some regressions back to whiny emo-ness, as I expected there would be, but the new sound suits them very well and there are a handful of tracks that are actually pretty awesome. The Shot Heard Round The World sounds like a long lost Bon Jovi single--an adrenaline fueled shout-along with a chorus that sounds like it's produced by Mutt Lange, circa 1986. Any song that begins with heavy breathing has gotta be good. Here's hoping album number three carries this sound even further.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Rabu, 09 September 2009

"I'll make you feel pure"

So I've had a chance to listen to the new Muse album and, like all of their albums, it's a bit of a mixed bag. I love the tracks in the vein of lead single Uprising and the Queen-like United States of Eurasia, but I'm much less impressed with their three-part symphony at the end of the album, which ends up sounding like a lot of pretentious noodling. It is, of course, still very early, so these opinions could change. Although it seems like the band repeats itself a lot melodically, I love when they explore new directions like the robot funk of Undisclosed Desires. It's a slinky, totally radio-friendly piece of pop that sounds different from anything else on the album and would be a perfect follow-up to Uprising. Love it.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Selasa, 08 September 2009

"Once upon a time there was love in your eyes"

For all of the A-list releases 2009 has seen so far, there's been a certain type of album missing. I call it the underdog album, a release by a group that's been on my radar but never been a huge interest to me before. The best surprise is when one such group releases a follow-up that totally blows me away. Laakso did it a couple of years ago, as did Delays. This year it's Cinema Bizarre. The German pop/rock/glam band always seemed to have the goods, but I couldn't fully commit until now. Their new album Toyz is an absolute masterpiece and in serious contention for album of the year. They've upped the poppiness, working with RedOne for their single and adding layers of electronica and dance, and Strify's vocals are much poppier, sounding a lot like BWO throughout. In fact, the track I'm posting today could easily be mistaken for a slightly rocky BWO. The melody is pure perfection. The album's long at 18 tracks, but amazingly doesn't suffer from the lengthiness. It's remarkably consistent, and feels like a real statement of the band's new sound. In fact, it was hard to post a single track today. I would have also liked to share the beautiful Blasphemy, which certainly should be a single (and rallying cry). Go listen to this album. I couldn't recommend it more.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

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