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Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

Q-Feel - Crosstalk "Breaking from the silent zone"Q-Feel were a UK synthpop group active during the early 80's. Dancing In Heaven (Orbital Bebop) was their only big hit, and a song that I was introduced to on the radio quite a few months ago. It's a really catchy tune, and comes from a great album. Crosstalk is the opener, and a pretty good example of herky-jerky new wave. The verses are alright,...

Senin, 29 Juni 2009

La Roux - As If By Magic "I'm keeping my head in the clouds"I have been super busy the past couple of weeks so I haven't had as much time to listen to new albums as I'd like. But, from what I've been able to glean from La Roux's debut (out today in the UK), it's total epic goodness. I'd already heard about half of the record, but the "new" songs are just as good as the old. La Roux's detractors have...

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009

Google Logo (27.06.2009, Seven Sleepers Day)

Edisi: Seven Sleepers DayDate: 27.June.2009In Germany, June 27 is Siebenschläfertag (Seven Sleepers Day). If it rains that day, the next seven weeks or the rest of summer is supposedly going to be rainy. While it might seem to refer to the Siebenschläfer rodent (Glis Glis), "edible dormouse" in English, it actually commemorates the Seven Sleepers legend. Objections have been raised that the legend...

Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

Michael Jackson - Gone Too Soon "Like a comet, blazing across the evening sky, gone too soon"Wow. We just lost the best entertainer in the world. Kinda knocks the breath out of you.Massive, massive Michael Jackson fan here. This seems so surreal. People as big as Michael Jackson just don't die, right?I just listened to Thriller on Monday with some friends. Nobody could sit still. You can't sit still...

Pilih-Pilih Layanan BlackBerry

Cerita tentang pemilihan operator penyelenggara layanan BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) gampang-gampang susah, di Indonesia saat ini ada tiga operator yang secara resmi mengoperasikan layanan BlackBerry meski beberapa waktu ke depan ada layanan dari operator lain seperti dari Axis dan Smart yang mengusung BlackBerry CDMA pertama di Indonesia.Dari tiga operator saat ini antar lain XL, Indosat dan...

Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Heads We Dance - The Gold City "Love and devotion have no place down here"To tell the truth, I've always admired Heads We Dance's cover and album artwork more than their music. I've wanted to be majorly obsessed with them. I should be. Their music is the kind of synth-fueled pop that I go gaga over. The vocals never really caught on for me, though. I mean, the singer's talented and there's nothing...

Shia LaBeouf Address

Shia LaBeoufHollywood ActorName: Shia LabeoufComplete Name: Shia Saide LaBeoufSex: MaleBirth Date: June 11, 1986Birth Place: Los Angeles, California, USAShia LaBeouf's Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:Shia LaBeouf Address #1:Shia LaBeoufPMK/HBH700 San Vicente BoulevardSuite G 910West Hollywood, CA 90069USAShia LaBeouf Address #2:Shia LaBeoufJohn Crosby Management1310 North...

Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

The Baseballs - Bleeding Love "You cut me open and I keep bleeding"I've got something really fun and unique today. Yes, it's a cover of Leona Lewis's Bleeding Love. But... it's a 50's rock-n-roll (think Elvis Presley) cover by German band The Baseballs. They've released an entire album of covers in this genre, from Rihanna to Katy Perry to Scissor Sisters to Roxette. They've really picked some fantastic...

Senin, 22 Juni 2009

A Nice SurpriseHow did I not know that Ola Svensson was releasing a new single this month? It's fantastic, of course. This is one guy that can always be counted on to make fun summery pop music.Here's what I assume to be the debut performance. And fyi (just to brag) I saw the Ark...
The William Blakes - No Matter What (We're Not Alone) "No matter what they tell us, this is not our war"The William Blakes are a Danish pop/rock band that have seemingly come out of nowhere to release two albums in about a year's time. Their sound is varied. I'd best describe it as hooky, experimental pop. I can't decide what I think of the new album. On one hand, there are spacey, totally awesome...

Jonas Brothers Address

Jonas BrothersHollywood Boyband / Singers / ActorsMembers:Nick JonasJoe JonasKevin JonasBirth Place: Wyckoff, New Jersey, USAGenres: Pop, Pop rockLabels: Columbia (2005–2006)Hollywood (2007–present)Official Website: JonasBrothers.comJonas Brothers Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:Jonas Brothers Address #1:Jonas Brothers (Kevin Jonas, Nick Jonas, Joseph Jonas)c/o Hollywood Records500...

Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

Google Logo (21.06.2009, Father's Day)

Tanggal 21 Juni 2009 ini di berbagai negara seperti Kanada, Inggris dan Amerika merayakan Father's Day tepatnya minggu ketiga hari Sabtu di bulan Juni. Peringatan serupa yakni Mother's Day dirayakan setiap hari Minggu di minggu kedua bulan Mei, kalo tahun ini jatuh di tanggal 10 Mei 2009.Seperti tahun-tahuan sebelumnya Google selalu memperingati dengan logo khusus termasuk juga saat peringatan Mothers...

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

Browser Bolt, Pesaing Opera Mini Telah Hadir

Anda pennguna setia Opera Mini di perangkat mobile? Saatnya beralih ke mobile browser baru pesaing Opera Mini yakni Bolt, salah satu browser yang diklaim pembuatnya Bitstream sebagi browser yang super cepat.Saat ini penguasa pasar mobile browser adalah Opera Mini terutama pengguna di Indonesia, selain Opera Mini ada juga UCWeb selain browser bawaan perangkat mobile seperti Nokia atau BlackBerry. Kadangkala...

iPhone 3.0 Now Available For Download

The free iPhone OS 3.0 Software Update includes some great new features, as well as all the features from previous updates. iPhone OS 3.0 also lets you run the next generation of iPhone apps, like peer-to-peer games1 and more. If you’ve never updated before, now is the perfect time.Feature:* Cut, Copy & Paste* Landscape Keyboard* MMS* Spotlight Search* Voice Memo* Improved Calendar* Buy Movie,...

Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

Aqua - My Mamma Said "Mamma just cross to the parallel world"Even after twelve years, I'm still convinced that Aqua's Aquarium is one of the best euro-pop albums ever released. Sure, the group pretty much defines "cheesy" and are known in the States primarily for their novelty hit Barbie Girl (not their finest moment, though undeniably catchy and--dare I say it--classic). Their follow-up was a big...

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Bolland & Bolland - Heaven Can Wait "Don't be surprised if I'm gonna be late"I posted a mid-eighties Bolland & Bolland track a few months ago, but I've been listening to their fantastic 1981 nuclear-war-synth-pop-opera-concept-album The Domino Theory a lot lately so I thought I would post another track from this little known band today. Heaven Can Wait is probably the danciest, poppiest song...

Bjork Address

BjorkInternational Singer/ActressName: BjorkBirth Name: Björk GudmundsdottirHeight: 5' 4''Sex: FemaleNationality: IcelandicBirth Date: November 21, 1965Birth Place: Reykjavik, IcelandProfession: Musician, ActressEducation: Reykjaviks music schoolHusband: Matthew BarneyFather: Guðmundur GunnarssonMother: Hildur HauksdóttirSister: Three sistersBrother: Three brothersStep Father: Sævar...

Hayden Christensen Address

Hayden ChristensenHollywood ActorName: Hayden ChristensenHeight: 6' 1½''Sex: MaleNationality: CanadianBirth Date: April 19, 1981Birth Place: Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaProfession: ActorEducation: Baythorn Public School (1995)Unionville High School, Toronto, OntarioSister: Kaylen Christensen, Hesja ChristensenBrother: Tove ChristensenHayden Christensen's Address, Mailing Addresses,...

Senin, 15 Juni 2009

Jonas Brothers - Much Better "Now I'm done with superstars"Hell has frozen over. I never imagined that I'd end up posting a Jonas Brothers track on this blog. I'd tried to get into their music in the past but never really succeeded. I just don't understand the popularity. I mean, I get that they're teen idols (a position that's been around forever), but aren't there better candidates? Maybe not, because...

Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

FBLook, Facebook Di Outlook

Anda pengguna Facebook sekaligus pengguna Microsoft Outlook yang selalu online? Tak ada salahnya mencoba aplikasi FBLook, dari namanya kelihatan kolaborasi antara FB (Facebook) dan Outlook, update Facebook dapat dilakukan langsung dari Outlook tanpa membuka situs Facebook di browser. Selain update status, yang dapat dilakukan dengan FBLook di Outlook ini antara lain melihat update status teman secara...

Coming Soon, Layanan Baru Facebook Username

Hari ini melalui blognya, Facebook merilis layanan Facebook Username yang akan tersedia mulai Sabtu 13 Juni 2009 jam 11.01 siang, dengan layanan ini berarti Facebook mengikuti layanan social networking lainnya seperti MySpace, Friendster, Flickr, Twitter, Plurk adan beberapa layanan lainnya yang menggunakan username sebagai bagian dari URL atau alamat website.Sebelumnya Facebook menggunakan dua alamat...

Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

Apa Keunggulan Generasi Terbaru iPhone 3G S?

Apple iPhone 3G S, produk terbaru penerus iPhone 3G telah diumumkan kehadirannya, dengan klaim sebagai penerus iPhone yang punya kemampuan tercepat dan terkuat apalagi ada tambahan label "S" dibelakang nama iPhone 3G S yang menandakan "Speed" lebih cepat dari generasi terdahulu dalam hal membuka web atau aplikasi yang disematkan, apalagi didukung konektivitas 7.2 Mbps yang membuat semakin cepat bahkan...

Senin, 08 Juni 2009

Google vs Bing, Siapa Yang Lebih Unggul?

Ada yang sudah mencoba Bing? Yup mesin pencari (search engine) milik Microsoft sudah dapat digunakan dan saat ini siap bertarung dengan Google yang telah menguasai pasar pencarian selama ini. Bing, meski masih menyandang Beta version ini menggantikan MSN Live Search yang tak mampu bersaing dengan Google maupun Yahoo!Search, tetapi rupanya agak sulit menumbangkan Google tetapi untuk mengalahkan Yahoo!Search...

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009

Facebook® for BlackBerry® Smartphones Versi 1.6

Tanggal 06.06.2009 ini Research In Motion Limited (RIM) meluncurkan aplikasi Facebook® for BlackBerry® Versi terbaru atau versi 1.6 menggantikan versi sebelumnya 1.5. Banyak sekali perbedaan di versi terbaru ini terutama fitur-fiturnya meskipun tampilan awal tidak berbeda jauh.Dari daftar menu atas tetap ada tujuh buah tetapi untuk menu "Poke" dihilangkan yang ada saat ini terdiri dari "Status", "Notifications",...

Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

Top Ten Twitter Users

Saat ini siapa sih 10 besar pengguna Twitter dengan banyak Follower? Pemegang rekor masih Ashton Kutcher dengan alamat http://twitter.com/aplusk dengan jumlah Follower hari ini 2,001,510 dengan tweet "w/ 2 million followers on twitter, I send 2 million good intentions 4 the release of Laura Ling & Euna Lee". Siapa sih Ashton Kutcher, pria kelahiran 7 Februari 1978 ini dikenal sebagai suami Demi...

Google Logo (06.06.2009, 25th Tetris Anniversary)

Edisi: 25th Tetris AnniversaryDate: 06.June.2009Tetris (Russian: Тетрис) is a puzzle video game originally designed and programmed by Alexey Pajitnov. It was created on June 6, 1984, while he was working for the Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Academy of Science of the USSR in Moscow. He derived its name from the Greek numerical prefix "tetra-"—as all of the game's pieces (known as Tetrominoes)...

Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

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