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Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

"Do they know my fear of flying?"

So I was super excited about Superfamily's new album (out today). Probably overly excited. The thing had to be freaking transcendent to meet my sky high expectations. After all, I loved the hell out of their last release. As I should have expected, the new album is nowhere near as good as the last one. The sound is there, certainly, but the songs aren't as strong this time around. It's kind of like listening to a string of b-sides from the last recording session. Still, Superfamily creates a sound bigger than any band I can think of and they are one of the best groups out there. I know the album will grow on me, and I'm really complaining too much. If any other band released this I'd be lavishing praise on them. One of the highlights is the second track, I'll Never Pull It Off. It's one of the biggest and catchiest anthems on the album and the one that clicked with me the most on first listen. It's probably this record's The Radio Has Expressed... . One cool thing is that the album is available on itunes worldwide, so I was actually able to buy it the day it came out!

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

Kim Kardashian Address

Kim Kardashian Address
Kim Kardashian
Hollywood Actress

Name: Kim Kardashian
Birth Name: Kimberly Noel Kardashian
Height: 5' 3"
Sex: Female
Nationality: American
Birth Date: October 21, 1980
Birth Place: Los Angeles, California, USA
Profession: actress, socialite
Father: Robert Kardashian
Mother: Kris Jenner
Sister: Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian
Brother: Robert Kardashian Jr.
Half Sister: Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, Casey Jenner
Half Brother: Sam Brody Jenner, Brandon Jenner, Burt Jenner (born in 1978)
Step Father: William Bruce Jenner

Kim Kardashian's Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:

Kim Kardashian Address #1:
Kim Kardashian
4774 Park Granada
Suite 5
Calabasas, CA 91302

*** End of Kim Kardashian Address ***

Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

"It won't be long my darling"

God, this song has been in my head all week. It's Selena Gomez's official debut single with her band and it's quite a spectacular slice of electro/pop/rock. I'm so pleased she's gone in this direction: totally upbeat with retro influences. Although she doesn't possess the same kind of pipes as her contemporaries, she's got the look, attitude and personality to pull this kind of music off perfectly. There's a certain part in the bridge (quoted in the lyrics above) that gets me every time, though the chorus is pretty fantastic too. If only top 40 radio would pick up on this. They seem to have a thing against Disney, just as they had a thing against American Idol for awhile. Based on this taster, though, I have high hopes for the album.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

"Everybody dance and everybody sing"

Before Adam Lambert, Jacob Hoggard (lead singer of Hedley) was the most exciting/unique performer to come out of an idol. And he's by far the most successful artist ever featured on Canadian Idol, though that's not saying much. And, he didn't even win! (Though he did have one of the best performances ever). Although it's not really my favorite genre, the pop/punk of his band Hedley has been something I've really enjoyed. Their new single has now been released and, like some American counterparts, the band's going for a dance-rock sound that I'm totally cool with. The lyrics of Cha-Ching are lame and trying too hard to be "important," but the big chorus is there and Hoggard's voice is as strong as it's ever been. It's definitely one of their better singles. I keep waiting for these guys to break America. After all, they're huge in their native Canada. This probably isn't the song to do it, but it should be.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the old stuff here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

"And you know that I'm there every night"

So I'm a little late with Mini Viva, Xenomania's new girl-pop-duo, but better late than never. Their uber-catchy single Left My Heart In Tokyo has just been a-listed on radio one and totally deserves it. It's one of the most unabashedly fun dance track of the year. Bedroom Viber is another (curiously titled) song from the girls and, although it's not quite as frenetic, it's just as catchy. It reminds me in many ways of something Girls Aloud would perform, which is a high compliment in the pop universe. The rocky beat coupled with the explosive chorus and hook combine to create a standout electro-pop track that bodes well for the album. Awesome.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Google Logo, Missing Double "O"

Biasanya Google selalu mengganti logonya saat memperingati hari tertentu seperti hari kemerdekan suatu negara atau hari lahir tokoh dunia. Indonesia juga sempat disambangi Google dengan logo tema Kemerdekaan RI dan Hari Kartini.

Kali ini kita sedikit bermain dengan Logo Google yang khas dengan huruf "O" yang kembar. Bukan sulap bukan sihir kedua huruf "O" tersebut menghilang, coba aja kunjungi Google di sini tunggu beberapa saat sambil pelototin kedua huruf "O" warna merah dan kuning. Jangan kaget kalo tiba-tiba hilang.

Selamat mencoba....

Koleksi Google Logo lainnya:
Part 1
Part 2

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

After nearly an hour of trying to get imeem (the site I use to host music) to work and get my ever-slowing computer to move more than two miles per hour, I've given up for the day. I'll save today's post for tomorrow, when things are working! I hate Vista... especially when there's not enough memory installed to run it properly.
Luckily tomorrow's song is worth the wait.

Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

"Make it lust forever"

Zoot Woman's long-pushed-back album Things Are What They Used To Be (huh?) was recently released and I had a listen to it this weekend. Zoot Woman have always been on the cusp of greatness in my opinion, and the singles so far have been a nice taster to the album. As expected, there's a lot of filler, but there are definitely some gems as well. Lust Forever is one of the poppiest tracks on the album, and one of the highlights because of its catchiness. There's a great stomping glam beat that drives the entire thing, plus a singalong chorus/hook that will latch onto your memory on first listen and refuse to let go. It's actually pretty similar to what Muse are doing right now... total electronic/industrial modern glam. This is definitely the route that the band should be taking in the future.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Data & Fakta Tentang Facebook

Anda pengguna setia Facebook atau Fesbukers sejati?
Berikut data dan fakta saat ini tentang Facebook yang saat ini menjadi trend baru di Indonesia, Facebook ini sendiri baru dilaunching bulan Februari 2004:

1. Pengguna aktif fesbuk sebanyak lebih dari 250 juta (bayangkan dengan negara indonesia yang berpenduduk dengan jumlah yang sama..)
2. Lebih dari 120 juta pengguna fesbuk yang login minimal sekali dalam sehari (mungkin salah satunya adalah anda..)
3. Lebih dari dua pertiga dari pengguna fesbuk bukan lagi menjadi orang sekolahan atau kuliahan.. (saat ini pengguna fesbuk terutama di Indonesia berasal dari ibu-ibu rumah tangga ampe para eksekutif).
4. Pengguna fesbuk cepat bertambah terutama dari kalangan yang berusia lebih dari 35 tahun.
5. Rata-rata pengguna memiliki Friends sebanyak 120 orang (batas maksimal memiliki teman sebanyak 5000 orang loh....).
6. Lebih dari 5 milyar menit digunakan untuk akses ke fesbuk setiap hari (dari seluruh dunia).
7. Update status fesbuk dilakukan minimal sekali setiap hari oleh lebih dari 30 juta pengguna.
8. Lebih dari 8 juta pengguna fesbuk menjadi anggota Fans Page setiap harinya.
9. Lebih dari 1 milyar foto setiap bulan diupload di fesbuk (coba bandingkan dengan flickr).
10. Lebih dari 10 juta video setiap bulan diupload di fesbuk (bandingkan juga dengan youtube).
11. Lebih dari 1 milyar content (link, newstory, blog post, notes, foto dll) di share di fesbuk setiap minggunya.
12. Lebih dari 2.5 juta events dibuat di fesbuk setiap bulannya.
13. Lebih dari 45 juta pengguna aktif di Groups yang ada di fesbuk.
14. Lebih dari 50 bahasa tersedia di fesbuk dan 40 bahasa sedang dalam pengembangan.
15. Sekitar 70% pengguna fesbuk berada di luar Amerika Serikat.
16. Lebih dari 1 juta pengembang dan enterpreneur platform fesbuk yang berasal lebih dari 180 negara.
17. Setiap bulan lebih dari 70% pengguna fesbuk memasang aplikasi.
18. Lebih dari 350 ribu aplikasi yang aktif di fesbuk.
19. Lebih dari 200 aplikasi memiliki lebih dari 1 juta pengguna aktif.
20. Lebih dari 15 ribu website, perangkat dan aplikasi yang menggunakan Facebook Connect sejak tersedia bulan Desember 2008 lalu.
21. Lebih dari 30 juta pengguna aktif yang mengakses Facebook Mobile.

Itu hanya sebagian data dan fakta tentang Facebook, belum termasuk yang kontra dengan keberadaan Facebook.

Written By: Tamtomo
Comment On Facebook

Uji Koneksi 3G BlackBerry dengan Xtreme Labs Speedtest

Pengen tau kecepatan upload dan download koneksi 3G atau GPRS Blackberry anda? mungkin kalo pengguna PC gampang nemuin website yang nyediain layanan Speedtest. Buat pengguna BlackBerry silahkan coba Speedtest dari Xtreme Labs untuk mengetahui betapa lemotnya koneksi layanan internet BIS BlackBerry di Indonesia.

Sebagai perbandingan di Amrik sana kecepatan rata-rata upload mencapai 167.53 Kbits/s dan kecepatan rata-rata download 841.4 Kbits/s, sedangkan kalo di Indonesia (dan inipun belum tentu tercapai) sekitar 76.28 Kbits/s untuk Upload dan 248 Kbits/s untuk Download. Pada saat di test untuk jaringan GPRS cuma dapet 6.69 untuk upload dan 31.72 untuk download sedangkan saat koneksi 3G dapet 33.61 untuk upload dan 109.15 untuk download.

Silahkan mencoba layanan Speedtest dari Xtreme Labs ini dengan download aplikasi di SINI melalui browser BlackBerry anda.

Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Enhanced Gmail Plug-in For BlackBerry

Research In Motion (RIM) merilis Enhanced Gmail Plug-in untuk perangkat BlackBerry dengan beberapa penambahan fitur yang menarik. Sebelumnya Push Mail dari account Gmail yang dipasang di BlackBerry sangat sederhana sekali untuk kali ini dilengkapi dengan fitur yang sama dengan yang ada di Gmail versi Web.

Beberapa fitur tambahan seperti Add and remove labels, filtering, pemberian bintang/ stars pada pesan email, Report spam, Archieve, pencarian email di Gmail mailbox serta adanya threaded view untuk melihat email yang berhubungan. Jadi lebih mirip dengan yang ada di web atau aplikasi Gmail Mobile.

Semua yang dilakukan di perangkat BlacBerry ini bersifat real time dan tersinkronisasi dengan yang ada di web misalnya saat memberikan label atau bintang maka message yang ada di web juga otomatis sama.Untuk menghapus suatu pesan masih sama seperti dulu misalnya yang ada di BlackBerry saja atau sekalian yang ada di server Gmail juga tergantung pilihan kita.

Tertarik untuk pasang plugin Gmail ini di BlackBerry? silahkan download di http://blackberry.com/gmail dari browser BlackBerry anda.

Written By: Tamtomo
Comment On Facebook

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

New Inbox On Facebook

Inbox di Facebook, seperti kita ketahui selama ini ada perbedaan antara message di wall dan private Message via Inbox, kalo yang pertama semua orang akan tauu isi dari message temen yang ditulis di Wall sedangkan yang berada di Inbox hanya pengguna aja yang tau. Tetapi yang satu ini gak semua pengguna tau apalagi yang baru pakai fesbuk, sampai-sampai curhatan yang seharusnya bersifat privacy akan terbaca semua orang, bisa juga disengaja agak semua orang tau.

Untuk menu Inbox saat ini lebih mudah dengan membagi 3 pesan dengan folder berbeda yakni folder Messages, Updates dan Sent selain ada menu lain + Compose untuk menulis message baru, Mark as Red/ Unread, Report Spam dan Delete. Perubahan yang ada di Inbox versi baru ini terletak pada pemisahan antara Private Message & Group Message pada folder Messages serta Updates yang berasal fari Fans Page yang dapat langsung dilihat di folder Updates. Semua pesan yang masuk bersifat real time dan ada pilihan untuk mereply message tersebut cuman sayang kalo mereplay message dari Groups seringkali Subject-nya hilang alias kosong dan hanya ditujukan pada pengirim message tersebut bukan ke Group. Untuk pengguna BlackBerry Message dari Private dan Group akan masuk notifikasi sedangkan Updates dari Page gak masuk Notifikasi.

Silahkan mencoba fitur baru dari Facebook ini.

Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

Some bits...

Sorry about the lack of a post yesterday. I was at the county fair watching Foreigner (still got it, btw) and eating crap fair food. Today's just going to be a little bit of everything:

Fab Swedish band Dyno have two new tracks on their myspace, the excellent Destroy! Destroy! and Too Close. These guys are like the new Daggers. I hope we actually get an album.

Speaking of great Scandinavian bands, Superfamily have a new track on their page from the third album out in about a week. Super excited about this record.

Another album I am drooling in anticipation for is Muse's new one. You can listen to samples on itunes worldwide and, judging from the clips, this may be the band's best album and candidate for album of the year. I cannot wait.

In the opposite musical direction, Miley Cyrus' new EP also has samples available. I am totally won over by her new single... one of the best she's released and certainly one of the best of the summer. This girl is going places. It always surprises me how much I like her voice.

In other pop news, Selena Gomez's new single is finally out (with her band The Scene). Happily, it sounds like something I would listen to outside of Disney. Quite good.

Mischa Barton Address

Mischa Barton Address
Mischa Barton
Hollywood Actress

Name: Mischa Barton
Birth Name: Mischa Anne Barton
Height: 5' 7''
Sex: Female
Nationality: British, American (dual Citizenship)
Birth Date: January 24, 1986
Birth Place: London, England, UK
Profession: Actress
Education: Professional Children's School in Manhattan
Mother: Nuala Barton
Sister: Hania Barton, Zoe Barton

Mischa Barton's Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:

Mischa Barton Address # 1:
Mischa Barton
2001 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 250
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Mischa Barton Address # 2:
Mischa Barton
c/o B.W.R Public Relations
9100 Wilshire Blvd.
6th Floor West Tower
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Mischa Barton Address # 3:
Mischa Barton
c/o IMG Models N.Y.
304 Park Avenue South, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10010

*** End of Mischa Barton Address ***

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

"Did the vodka make you leave with me?"

Over a year since their album was released, Carolina Liar are enjoying their first smash hit stateside with the massive Show Me What I'm Looking For. It's one of the biggest sounding records of the year, with choirs and chiming bells and all the extras. I adore it, and the rest of the album's pretty darn good, too. Last Night is another standout, an uptempo pop rocker that sounds almost identical to the Killers--complete with "killer" synth riff. It's one of the band's collaborations with Swedish producer Max Martin (who's also working with Adam Lambert... yay!), so of course it's gotta be fantastic. It's kinda crazy that the band's able to produce such eclectic pop music. Last Night sounds very little like Show Me What I'm Looking For, but the two share something very important: they both sound like huge hits.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Jenson Button

Jenson Button
Jenson Alexander Lyons Button, né le 19 janvier 1980 à Frome dans le Somerset, est un pilote automobile anglais. Il court en championnat du monde de Formule 1 depuis la saison 2000 et participe à la saison 2009 au sein de l'écurie Brawn GP.

Source : Wikipedia.com

Felipe Massa

Felipe Massa
Felipe Massa, a Brazilian whose grandfather came to Brazil from the city of Cerignola, Italy, began karting when he was 8 years old, finishing fourth in his first season. Massa continued in national and international championships for 7 years, and in 1998 he moved into Formula Chevrolet, finishing the Brazilian championship in fifth. In the next season, he won 3 of the 10 races and took the championship. In 2000, he moved to Europe to compete in the Italian Formula Renault series, winning both the Italian and the European Formula Renault championship in the same year. Whilst having the opportunity to move into Formula 3, he opted instead for the Formula 3000 Euro-Series, and was dominant, winning 6 of the 8 races to take the championship. He was offered an F1 test with the Sauber team, who promptly signed him for 2002. In the meantime he drove for Alfa Romeo in the European Touring Car Championship as a guest driver.

Souurce : Wikipedia.com

Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

"We get a thrill from clapping our hands"

I considered posting an album track from Calvin Harris' new record, but I am too addicted to this single not to write about it. It's by far my favorite track he's released so far. Everything about it is what a 2009 dance record should sound like, even the over-the-top diva chorus (which usually isn't my thing in these types of songs). The album itself is surprisingly good. Surprisingly, because I've never really gotten Calvin Harris before. His singles were alright, but nothing that really blew me away. This time around he's more consistent and poppier than ever, and it suits him well. Certainly recommended. But what the hell is the lady saying in the chorus to this song? Sounds like "Ooh, I've got gum on my shoes," though that's obviously not right. Right?

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Kimi Raikkonen

Kimi Raikkonen
Kimi Räikkönen ( born October 17, 1979 in Espoo), nicknamed Iceman and Kimster, is a Finnish Formula One race car driver, currently driving for Scuderia Ferrari. He was the 2007 Formula One World Drivers' Champion.
Räikkönen entered Formula One as a regular driver for Sauber-Petronas in 2001. Having previously only raced in very junior open-wheel categories, he was given his Super Licence from the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) after a performance delivery promise from his team boss, Peter Sauber. He joined McLaren Mercedes in 2002, and became a title contender by finishing runner-up in the 2003 and 2005 championships to Michael Schumacher and Fernando Alonso, respectively.

Switching to Ferrari in 2007, Räikkönen became the highest paid driver in motor sport with an estimated wage of $51 million per year, in part because the previous highest paid driver Michael Schumacher had retired. In turn his move to Ferrari saw him secure his first Formula One World Drivers' Championship, beating McLaren drivers Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso by one point.
Räikkönen is known to be very calm, cool, and calculating in his race strategy—prompting the nickname "Iceman", which is subtly written on the side of his current helmet design. His other nicknames include Kimppa, Räikkä and Kimster (used by his mechanics). In Finland Räikkönen is sometimes humorously nicknamed Räkä (snot in English), a reference to Mika Häkkinen's moniker Häkä (carbon monoxide in English).
In 2008, Räikkönen is one among the two Formula One drivers who made it into the Forbes magazine's The Celebrity 100 list, the other being Fernando Alonso. He is 36th on Forbes magazine's The Celebrity 100 list of 2008, and 41st on the previous year. On the same list, as of 2008, he is listed as the 26th highest paid celebrity overall and the 5th highest paid sportsman behind Tiger Woods, David Beckham, Michael Jordan and Phil Mickelson. In 2009, Räikkönen is listed as the 2nd highest paid athlete in the world, still behind Woods.

Source : Wikipedia.com

Fernando Alonso

Fernando Alonso
Fernando Alonso Díaz (born July 29, 1981, in Oviedo, Spain) is a Spanish Formula One racing driver and a two-time World Champion.
On September 25, 2005, he won the Formula One World Driver's Championship title at the age of 24 years and 58 days, breaking Emerson Fittipaldi's record of being the youngest Formula One World Drivers' Champion (this record was subsequently broken by Lewis Hamilton). After retaining the title the following year, Alonso also became the youngest double Champion. In 2007, he became the second F1 driver, after Michael Schumacher, to score at least 100 points for three consecutive seasons. Nicknamed El Nano, Alonso acts as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF[1] and is one of the directors of the Grand Prix Drivers' Association. On September 28, 2008 he became the first person ever to win a night race in Formula One.
Source : Wikipedia.com

Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

"We sold out all over the world"

I'm back after a long weekend with the first track from Sweden in a long time. It comes from Teddybears (formerly Teddybears Sthlm), an electro/rock/pop group responsible for both amazing songs and amazing productions during this past decade. Their new single is nothing short of marvelous. Apparently, it started out as a jingle for a commercial, and I can totally see that, but it's not annoying. Quite the opposite. It is the best single I've heard come out of Sweden this summer, and quite possibly a worldwide smash for the guys. It's one of those hook-upon-hook songs--basically a bunch of choruses strung together. It's also the perfect hybrid of dance, rock and pop, and probably a couple months late because it could have been the song of Summer.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the old album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

Channing Tatum Address

Channing Tatum Address
Channing Tatum
Hollywood Actor

Name: Channing Tatum
Birth Name: Channing Bryan Isaac Tatum Anderson
Height: 6' 1"
Sex: Male
Nationality: American
Birth Date: April 26, 1980
Birth Place: Cullman, Alabama, USA
Profession: actor, model, producer
Education: Gaither High School, Tampa, Florida, USA
Tampa Catholic High School, Tampa, Florida, USA
Husband/Wife: Jenna Dewan
Father: Glenn M. Tatum
Mother: Kay Tatum
Sister: Paige Tatum
Half Brother: Christopher Anderson

Channing Tatum's Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:

Channing Tatum Address #1:
Channing Tatum
Management 360
9111 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Channing Tatum Address #2:
Channing Tatum
Jenna Dewan
c/o Joanne Wiles - William Morris Agency
One William Morris Pl.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

*** End of Channing Tatum Address ***

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009

"I don't wanna believe it"

Back to some teen pop. For those who can't stomach it, you'll just have to bear with me for today. After all, I posted a great track from Demi Lovato a short while ago. It's only fair to complete the package with Disney's other popstar-in-training. Selena Gomez, as an actress, is actually my favorite. Like Shia Labeouf in Even Stevens (btw, one of the best kid's shows ever), I think she's really got a future ahead of her. She seems smart, mature and charming, and most importantly she's got that x-factor. Her music is definitely closer to the pop/dance side of the spectrum, and that's a total plus. Songs like Disappear are pure fluff, but it's the kind of fluff I can totally get behind. Sure, it's from the Wizards of Waverly Place soundtrack so it's pretty much contractually obliged to include references to "magic" in it, but I could see this being a real radio hit outside of Disney. Her debut album comes out in September (29th, I think), and will complete the Miley/Demi/Selena trifecta, I guess. God I am still such a teen at heart. Groan. Enjoy it, though. This is one catchy track.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

"Nothing can stop us if we stick together"

I Won't pretend that I'm the first one to post about this Swedish duo, but even though I'm somewhat behind the curve, I've got to mention them today because their new video to Into The Clouds was released and is really one of the best vids I've seen this year. Very dreamlike and ethereal, just like their music. Into The Clouds is by far my favorite track I've heard from the guys. It has that wall of sound feel to it, with electric swooshes swirling around constantly like some pop hurricane. But nestled within is an indiepop smash with a dance beat to boot. Excellent stuff, ready for the big time.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the singles here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

Track-by-Track: Cobra Starship

I didn't think this group would be around this long, let alone make their catchiest album three years from their inception. A surprising triumph.

1. Nice Guys Finish Last - Borrowing from Adam Ant (woohoo!) and big band, this is probably the most unique track on the record and my choice for second single. The chanting is utterly addictive, and it's easily among the poppiest things the band has recorded. 10/10

2. Pete Wentz Is The Only Reason We're Famous - I hate these long "clever" titles that have little to do with the song, but luckily the track is actually very good. It opens aggressively, but soon segues into a calmer verse and a funny, catchy chorus. 8/10

3. Good Girls Go Bad - If ever a track would propel them into superstardom, this would be it. The first single, and an excellent choice, sounds like it's produced by RedOne, though it's not. Leighton Meester adds some much-appreciated spunk to the primarily dance track. Sinfully catchy. 10/10

4. Fold Your Hands Child - This starts as straight-up synthpop before chugging into a rockier chorus. I'm especially fond of the verses here, which have an accomplished subtlety to them that's missing on some of the other tracks. 9/10

5. You're Not In On The Joke - Another possible single choice, there's an almost Michael Jackson feel to the verses--very funky. The chorus is a total singalong. If only they would have cut the odd shouty bits at the end, it would be perfect. 9/10

6. Hot Mess - The verses, again, are very interesting, with some nice vocals, but the chorus isn't quite up to snuff in my opinion. It's a little silly and can verge on annoying. Certainly not bad, but not a favorite either. 7/10

7. Living In The Sky With Diamonds - This has a very brisk, soft disco feel to it compared to the other tracks. Gone are the jokey elements in favor of more accomplished dance-rock songwriting. 8/10

8. Wet Hot American Summer - The verses on this song are flawless, with my favorite synth bits of the entire album. The chorus doesn't really meld as well with them as I would like. It almost feels like a different song. Good, certainly, but a little odd. 8/10

9. The Scene Is Dead; Long Live The Scene - One of the mellowest tracks on the album, but still uptempo. This is an absolute masterpiece. The vocals and harmonies are brilliant and the melody super-catchy. 10/10

10. Move Like You Gonna Die - Probably my least favorite track. It's one of the rockiest, and closest to classic "emo" music. 6/10

11. The World Will Never Do - Another one that's not really a favorite. It's got a laid back reggae feel to it and doesn't necessarily blend well with the rest of the album. 6/10

12. I May Be Rude But I'm The Truth - I love this track! It's a b-side on the deluxe version, but is better than most of the tracks on the album. The "Sha-na-na-na" parts in the chorus are addictive and the synth is full-on. 10/10

13. Cobras Never Say Die - A nice, synth-led track, but nothing overly special. A theme song of a sort, I guess. 7/10

Album's out tomorrow. Definitely recommended!

Album Grade: 8.3/10

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

"You're a nice guy with the wrong attitude"

Cobra Starship are a band that really should not be as good as they are. They sprung from the Snakes on a Plane movie, for god sakes! Who would have thought that, three albums later, they'd have hit the bigtime with a proper hit single and one of the summers' best tracks in Good Girls Go Bad. We're in an interesting stage in U.S. music right now that I like to call post-emo. Gone are most of the put-on, whiny "emo" vocals in pop and rock music. Instead we've got bands like 3Oh!3 and Boys Like Girls making genuine pop/dance music. Sure, their albums are certainly not consistently good, but I think Cobra Starship may have created the first consistent, post-emo record worth listening to. The album kicks off with perhaps the best track, the damn-is-it-really-that-good Nice Guys Finish Last. The melody and vocals are pure pop, and I love the bridge with the chanting girls and the super huge/catchy chorus. Check out the new album. It really is surprisingly fantastic.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the new album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Google Earth Egg Easter

udah pernah pake google earth? atau bahkan hobi buka google earth buat liat-liat tempat unik di berbagai tempat di dunia? kali ini tempukan temukan "egg easter" dari google earth. caranya copy & paste alamat koordinat di bawah masing-masing gambar ke kolm fly di google earth...

selamat mencoba...

Pac Man
37°37'53.41"N 115°45'22.34"W

Mickey Mouse Head
28°23'46 N 81°34'42.11 W

KFC Logo
37°38'46.50"N 115°45'2.98"W

50° 0'38.19"N 110° 6'48.31"W

Firefox Logo
45° 7'25.87"N 123° 6'48.97"W

"BAR" at The Mountain
39°49'21.77"N 3°28'44.50"W

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

"They will not control us"

My thoughts on the new Muse single? MASSIVE. They keep getting funkier and funkier with their lead singles. It's not a direction I imagined them going in after Absolution, but the spacey electro sound suits them perfectly. With Uprising, they're very nearly in Scissor Sisters territory, as weird as that comparison may sound. The tracks starts out sounding like the theme song to an old sci-fi show before a Goldfrappish glam disco beat kicks in. It's a dang near perfect track and really makes me anxious for the album. I've often thought that Muse would be the perfect band to soundtrack a cool sci-fi/action movie. In fact, I played Map of the Problematique just last Sunday with this in mind. They have a gift for the epic. I love it.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the new album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

"Did the world just miss its second meltdown?"

Frankmusik seems like he's been around forever. It also seems like forever that we've been waiting for his debut album. It finally comes out today, and honestly pretty much all the excitement I felt about it had fizzled months ago. That is, until I listened to the album. We've heard most of the songs before (many in alternate forms), so the thing plays like a greatest hits. It also sounds like a proper breakthrough, something that could actually take off if given the right push. Whoever's behind him has really dropped the ball, and it's pretty sad. Part of me wonders if it's too late to turn the campaign around. Regardless, it's a fantastic album that should please fans. I loved listening to the few tracks I hadn't heard before. Wonder Woman is one of those, and falls more on the pop side of his work than the electronic one. He's a hooky songwriter when he wants to be, and this is an excellent example of this.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

Eminem Address

Eminem Address
Hollywood Singer / Actor

Name: Eminem
Birth Name: Marshall Bruce Mathers III
Height: 5' 7"
Sex: M
Nationality: American
Birth Date: October 17, 1973
Birth Place: Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Profession: musician
Education: Lincoln High School in Warren (1986-1989)
Osbourne High School
Husband/Wife: Kim Mathers
Father: Marshall Mathers Jr.
Mother: Deborah Mathers - Briggs
Half Brother: Nathan
Daughter: Haile Jade Scott

Eminem's Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:

Eminem Address #1:
Theodor - Cutler & Sedlmayr
200 Park Avenue South
Suite 1408
New York, NY 10003

Eminem #2:
19766 Westchester
Clinton Township, MI 48036

Eminem #3:
c/o Interscope Records
10900 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1230
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Eminem #4:
Shady Records,
270 Lafayette Suite 805,
New York, NY 10012,

*** End of Eminem Address ***

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