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Rabu, 30 September 2009

Tokio Hotel - Darkside Of The Sun "Hello, we're still standing here"Tokio Hotel's second English-language album comes out next Tuesday and I honestly didn't care one way or another until I heard the fantastic single Automatic. I've always admired these guys' style more than their music, but that could change soon. They've adopted a slightly dancier sound for Humanoid, and on some tracks it works amazingly....

Selasa, 29 September 2009

Dragonette - Liar "It's gonna burn us alive"Dragonette's second album comes out today in Canada and Australia. I already took my twenty minute drive up to BC to snag a copy, though the band was nice enough to supply me with the album for review in my email today (and review it I shall, when I've had some time to digest it). Though I've only listened to the album once on the way home today, I wanted...

Senin, 28 September 2009

Selena Gomez & The Scene - I Won't Apologize "I gave it all for the long run"Selena Gomez's debut comes out tomorrow and I definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys pure pop music. Interestingly, I've read wildly diverging reviews of the album, from Entertainment Weekly's total trashing of the record to AMG's glowing words. I probably fall somewhere in the middle. I mean, the vocals are not...

Minggu, 27 September 2009

New Feature, Login With Facebook Username

Beberapa bulan yang lalu Facebook meluncurkan fitur Facebook Username, yakni penggunaan alamat URL tidak lagi menggunakan nomor ID yang panjang dan sulit dihapalkan tetapi menggunakan Username atau nickname sesuai pilihan pengguna. Apabila sampai saat ini belum mengganti alamat URL dengan Username masih ada kesempatan buat memilihnya atau kalo yang udah mebggunakan tapi pengen ganti boleh juga kok...

Misteri Logo Google Bulan Ini

Terkuak sudah rangkaian Logo Google yang misterius bulan ini. Ada 3 buah logo Google yang ditayangkan di homepage Google, mulai dari tanggal 5 September 2009 (Unexplained Phenomenon) trus tanggal 14 September 2009 dengan Crop Circle dan yang terakhir tanggal 21 September 2009 kemarin untuk memperingati 143 tahun kelahiran Herbert George Weels salah seorang penulis science fiction genre, semua logo...

New Feature ÜberTwitter Versi 0.925

Anda seorang Tweeters dan Selalu nge-tweets 24 jam menggunakan perangkat BlackBerry? Kalo jawabannya Ya pasti kenal dengan ÜberTwitter yang terkenal digunakan segala kalangan twiteers. Banyak keunggulan aplikasi UberTwitter dibanding aplikasi sejenis untuk BlackBerry seperti TwitterBery. Versi terdahulu UberTwitter sudah menggunakan penunjuk lokasi disetiap tweets, setiap upload foto & video bahkan...

Sabtu, 26 September 2009

Happy Birthday Google! (11th Google Birthday Logo)

Seperti tahun tahun sebelumnya Google sebagai salah satu mesin pencari terbesar memperingati ultahnya kali ini yang ke 11 hari ini (27 Sep 2009) dengan mengeluarkan logo khususnya. Situs bikinan Larry Page dan Sergey Brin saat masih menjadi mahasiswa di Universitas Stanford ini sudah beranak pinak menjadi tidak hanya berbisnis di search engine saja, mulai dari layanan iklan online, blogging, video...

Kamis, 24 September 2009

Track-by-Track: Mika - The Boy Who Knew Too MuchI have a list of albums that I've been wanting to review, and I keep telling myself that I will write them up. And I will. Eventually. For today, here's the new one from Mika, out this week.1. We Are Golden - The first single, this really represents the direction that I hoped that this album would go. Big, bombastic, choral. I still love this track,...

Rabu, 23 September 2009

Pop BlitzTrying something a little different today. There are a bunch of new singles out now so I wanted to give them each a little time.Robbie Williams - BodiesAlmost several songs in one, William's new single is a hodgepodge of sounds. Electro, gospel, soaring ballad. Some bits...

Senin, 21 September 2009

Kite - Cannonballs "When you're wondering where you're from you're not the only one"Sweden's electronic duo Kite are back with their second EP, titled 2. It comes out in the middle of next month, but their label has some samples available for download. For those not in the know, one half of Kite is made up of Nicklas Stenemo, former lead singer of the Mo/bassist for Melody CLub and one of my absolute...

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Taylor Lautner Address

Taylor Lautner Hollywood ActorName: Taylor LautnerBirth Name: Taylor Daniel LautnerHeight: 5' 6"Sex: MaleNationality: AmericanBirth Date: February 11, 1992Birth Place: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USAProfession: actorEducation: Valencia High School, Santa Clarita, CaliforniaSister: Makena LautnerTaylor Lautner's Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:Taylor Lautner Address #1:William...

Jumat, 18 September 2009

M.A.U. - Toboggan"Works better when sedated"This track by Danish/Portuguese band M.A.U. (Man and Unable) (?!) showed up in my inbox and I was struck by how closely it resembles one of my favorite bands, Scissor Sisters, back when they were in demo form. Anyone who's heard the genius SS track Electrobix will certainly appreciate Toboggan. It's even got a female refrain towards the middle for that Ana...

Kamis, 17 September 2009

Linda Sundblad - To All My Girls "If you know the moves, yeah yeah"Ok guys, so I'm not dead, despite the unplanned two day absence. I actually killed my back somehow (mysteriously) and couldn't stand, let alone type up a blog for nearly two days. Good times.Anyway, I'm better now and back with a song covered on the fabulous Poster Girl earlier today. Like Miss PPG, I am a huge fan of Linda Sundblad's...

Selasa, 15 September 2009

New Facebook Feature, Status Tagging Method

Salah satu fitur Facebook yang disukai saat ini adalah kemampuan tagging notes, foto dan video yang diupload dengan nama teman di Facebook, tagging atau penandaan nama teman pada notes, foto atau video ini akan langsung masuk ke Wall teman yang di-tag. Mengikuti kesuksesan tagging notes-foto-video tersebut Facebook merilis "status tagging method" yakni melakukan tagging nama teman, Pages, Groups bahkan...

Senin, 14 September 2009

Janet Jackson - Make Me "We're gonna have a good time"What else is there to say about the VMAs that hasn't been covered already? Performance wise, it was by far the best in recent memory, though still not up to its past glory. Gaga was brilliant, as expected. Beyonce was better than I thought she'd be (both creatively and personally), and Kanye made yet another case for why he is the biggest shithead...

Confirm Or Ignore Your Friend Request On Facebook?

Pernahkan di Remove sebagai Friend di Facebook? Kalo pernah jangan berkecil hati, kalo belum pernah di remove tetapi pernah gak selalu melakukan Add Friend ke salah satu pengguna Facebook tetapi tidak di Confirm? atau bahkan di Ignore? Trus kalo kita sendiri melakukan Confirm, Ignore atau Remove Friend itu teman kita akan mengetahuinya?Kita lihat satu persatu ya, apabila salah seorang melakukan Add...

Minggu, 13 September 2009

Review Layanan Baru Facebook Lite

Kemarin Facebook secara resmi meluncurkan layanan terbarunya Facebook Lite untuk umum yang menurut keterangan di homepagenya yang bergambar balon udara tiga buah (tak lagi peta dunia dengan jaringannya!) adalah The Fastest Way To Keep In Touch. Alamat Facebook Lite dapat ditemui di http://lite.facebook.com dengan account Facebook yang biasa.Warna Facebook Lite masih sama yakni dominan biru tua, biru...

Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Cameron Diaz Address

Cameron DiazHollywood ActressName: Cameron DiazBirth Name: Cameron Michelle DiazHeight: 5' 9"Sex: FemaleNationality: AmericanBirth Date: August 30, 1972Birth Place: San Diego, California, USAProfession: actress, modelEducation: Long Beach Polytechnic High School in Long Beach, CaliforniaFather: Emilio DiazMother: Billie EarlySister: Chimene DiazCameron Diaz's Address, Mailing Addresses,...

Heikki Kovalainen |

Heikki Kovalainen ImageHeikki Johannes Kovalainen (born October 19, 1981 in Suomussalmi, Finland) is a Finnish Formula One racing driver currently racing for the McLaren Mercedes team.He was supported by the Renault Driver Development programme early in his racing career, during which he won the World Series by Nissan championship and finished runner-up in the GP2 series. Renault signed him on as...

Jumat, 11 September 2009

Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton PhotoLewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE (born 7 January 1985 in Stevenage, Hertfordshire) is a British Formula One racing driver from England, currently racing for the McLaren Mercedes team and is the youngest ever Formula One World Champion. He was named after American sprinter Carl Lewis.At the age of ten Lewis approached the McLaren team principal, Ron Dennis, at the 1995 Autosport...

Blokir Aplikasi All My My Friends! dan Friends Character di Facebook

Beberapa hari ini mungkin di Wall Facebook anda dibanjiri foto-foto plus tagging dari 2 aplikasi All My My Friends! dan Friends Character. Awalnya mungkin suka dengan aplikasi baru ini yang menampilkan foto profil kita berderet dengan Friends pemasang aplikasi ini, ada yang dihargai dengan nilai dollar di Pickup Friends atau karakter yang ada di foto kita meski belum tentu sama atau bahkan dengan...
Mika - Rain "Baby, I hate days like this"I'm still sorta working out my thoughts on Mika's new album. I'd say a solid three quarters of it is pretty darn good (and I'm one of the We Are Golden fans), but the end gets a bit ballad-heavy and some tracks suffer from that annoying cutesy, precocious theatricality that's always been Mika's greatest flaw in my eyes. When he gets it right, though, he gets...

Kamis, 10 September 2009

Boys Like Girls - The Shot Heard Round The World "There's no such thing as a miracle"For their new album, Boys Like Girls have borrowed heavily from rock bands of the 80's. Think Bon Jovi and Def Leppard. They've also upped the electronic influence, becoming a band very different than the one heard on the first album. There are still some regressions back to whiny emo-ness, as I expected there would...

Rabu, 09 September 2009

Muse - Undisclosed Desires "I'll make you feel pure"So I've had a chance to listen to the new Muse album and, like all of their albums, it's a bit of a mixed bag. I love the tracks in the vein of lead single Uprising and the Queen-like United States of Eurasia, but I'm much less impressed with their three-part symphony at the end of the album, which ends up sounding like a lot of pretentious noodling....

Selasa, 08 September 2009

Cinema Bizarre - I Don't Wanna Know (If U Got Laid) "Once upon a time there was love in your eyes"For all of the A-list releases 2009 has seen so far, there's been a certain type of album missing. I call it the underdog album, a release by a group that's been on my radar but never been a huge interest to me before. The best surprise is when one such group releases a follow-up that totally blows me...

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