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Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Top 20 Albums of 2009: 2-1

2. Melody Club - Goodbye To Romance

What a stunning run of albums these guys have had. Making irony-free pop music is an occupation that’s becoming more and more rare, but Melody Club managed to record an album that hearkened back to the days of shimmering bubblegum pop music with a rock edge. It’s a shift for them, downplaying the synths in favor of a meatier, guitar-influenced sound. There was nothing else like it recorded this year, and it easily wins the prize for the jolliest sounding record of 2009. The band is probably past their prime commercially, but I pray that they stay together and keep recording because they would leave behind a very big hole in the market if they stopped.


1. Lady Gaga - The Fame Monster

Nobody defined pop music in 2009 more than Lady Gaga. She single-handedly took control of the year, spawning armies of imitators while fearlessly steering herself into what looks to be a long-lasting career. The Fame Monster was the exclamation point on a flawless run of singles. It managed to top her debut in every way possible and offer a portrait of a true pop artist. The album is short, just like some of the best records of past decades, and all the stronger for it. There isn’t a bad track here, or a song that doesn’t instantly sound like a huge hit single. There are hooks within hooks, bizarre lyrics, and the opportunity for even more out-of-this-world costumes. What more could you want?


Top 50 Singles of 2009: 5-1

5. Dyno - Don’t Speak Love

My favorite new indie group of the year, this song was seemingly written using a template of everything that I love. A stunning example of why Swedish pop is so unbeatable.

4. Lady Gaga - Poker Face

Her official, world-conquering arrival. For that alone, it’s worth noting. But that’s forgetting the sheer brilliance of the song.

3. The Galvatrons - Cassandra

The track where I can safely use the “synths from Van Halen’s Jump” comparison. That, by the way, is pretty much the highest praise in the world.

2. Alcazar - Stay The Night

Never liked them too much before, but this song single-handedly changed that. This will sound as fresh and joyous twenty years from now as it does today.

1. Lady Gaga - Bad Romance

Her gutsiest single to date, and the release that marked her speedy evolution into a proper pop artist. This is so far ahead of anything else on this list, it’s ridiculous.

Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

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Punya kumpulan foto-foto dalam album Flickr dan pengen ditampilkan di halaman profil Facebook? Coba gunakan aplikasi FlickrTab Facebook App yang sangat sederhana untuk menampilkan Public Flickr Collections, Sets and Photos dalam bentuk Tab pada halaman Facebook bahkan halaman Fans Page. Aplikasi ini bermanfaat untuk mengintegrasian foto yang ada di Flickr di halaman Facebook.

Untuk memulai memasang aplikasi ini di Facebook dengan mengunjungi halaman FlickrTab Facebook App di http://www.flickr.com/services/apps/72157622992365366 kemudian klik "Visit website" atau link di bawahnya, lanjutkan dengan "Go For It" dan masuk di halaman "Allow Access" dan tekan tombol "Allow" kemudian klik "Authorize Flickr" sampai masuk kembali ke halaman Flickr untuk verifikasi akses ke Facebook dan klik lagi OK, I'll Authorize it".

Untuk pengaturan selanjutnya masuk di halaman aplikasi, ada menu "Home" "Option" dan "Page", di halaman tersebut dapat melakukan "Deauthorized Flickr" atau melanjutkan ke tahap Costumize Flickr Tab, setelah selesai tekan aja tombol. Untuk melihat hasilnya klik Tab Fliockr di bagian atas kalo belum setting dulu "Flickr Tab" menu dengan menambahkan aplikasi tersebut di Tab atau Menu. Untuk membuka Flickr di Facebook klik Flickr Tab dan melihat album foto secara streaming dengan klik Flickr Tab App dan aturs esuai yang diinginkan yakni dalam Photostream, Collection, Set maupun Tags.

Silahkan mencoba.


Flickr2Twitter, Tweets From Flickr

Anda pengguna setia Twitter yang juga memiliki account di Flickr untuk menampung koleksi foto dan video? Saat ini sudah ada fitur dari Flickr untuk memposting langsung hasil upload foto video di Flickr dalam bentuk tweets di Twitter yang bernama Flickr2Twitter.

Sebelum menggunakan fitur ini terlebih dahulu mengatur terlebih dahulu Flickr2Twitter dengan mengunjungi http://www.flickr.com/services/twitter kemudian klik tombol "Set up Flickr2Twitter", setelah itu masuk halaman otorisasi Twitter dengan cara klik tombol "GO TO TWITTER TO AUTHORIZE" isi username dan password Twitter yang akan digunakan dan masuk ke account Flickr untuk pengaturan Flickr2Twitter.

Ada 3 macam cara upload foto berbarengan di Flickr maupun Twitter yaitu cara pertama upload foto menggunakan alamat email khusus untuk masing-masing account, subject email digunakan sebagai tweets di Twitter dan judul foto di Flickr, dengan cara pertama ini untuk tweet maksimal 116 karakter yang disertai Short Flic.kr URL. Cara yang kedua upload langsung melalui web Flickr kemudian diikuti klik tombol "Blog This" di atas foto atau video yang sudah diupload sedangkan cara ketiga menggunakan Flickr API untuk tweets setelah upload foto dengan tambahan geotagged atau penunjuk lokasi apabila diinginkan untuk disertakan di Twitter.

Dari fitur Flickr2Twitter ini Flickr menggunakan URL shortening dengan alamat sendiri http://flic.kr menggantikan alamat yang biasanya panjang, selain untuk menyingkat URL juga untuk menghidari penyalahgunaan oleh spammer atau scammer.


Top 20 Albums of 2009: 4-3

4. Cinema Bizarre - Toyz

By far the highest ranking German album on my countdowns ever, this was a real pleasant surprise this year. It’s the longest album on the countdown, so that means there’s a little bit of filler, but all in all this band’s electro/glam makeover was a resounding success, even if it wasn’t met with the sales it deserved. Bounding between dramatic power ballads and dancefloor stompers, it’s an extremely strong set of mainstream pop/rock songs, and the album Tokio Hotel should have released this year. I doubt many people have even heard it, which makes it the perfect recommendation for this catch-up time of year.


3. Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment

The number three spot is split between this album and the entertainment Lambert gave us on Idol this year. It’s impossible to separate the two. Luckily, though, on its own the album doesn’t disappoint. It’s overproduced and overblown, sure, but that’s what this type of pop music should be. More importantly, Lambert’s the first American popstar in a long time to attempt uttering words like “glam rock” in the context of mainstream radio play. For that alone he deserves one of the top spots. There were a couple of potholes on the road to success, but his second single is starting to take off and I can’t wait to see what he does in the future.


Top 50 Singles of 2009: 10-6

10. Blake Lewis - Heartbreak On Vinyl

The Idol runner-up’s best single to date. A smart, hooky ode to record stores and those who love them.

9. Tommy Sparks - She’s Got Me Dancing

A springtime party track in a year where there weren’t many to go around. From the squeaky synth opening to the undeniable hook, this was pure magic.

8. Lady Gaga - Paparazzi

Gaga’s most lasting radio single yet, the jaw-dropping video was what really propelled this to the forefront of people’s minds. Several months in, it still hasn’t gotten old.

7. Melody Club - The Only Ones

A galloping pop single signaling a shift in the band’s sound, this track just makes you feel really, really good. Simple as that.

6. Filthy Dukes & Tommy Sparks - Messages

Even better than Sparks’ solo stuff, this electro dance track was the coolest thing to come out of the UK this Summer. I prefer to think of it as the 2009 Scissor Sisters comeback single that never was.

Top Twitter Trends of 2009

Peristiwa apa aja yang mendominasi berita-berita melalui tweet di Twitter tahun 2009 yang 1 hari ke depan berakhir? Yup, Twitter saat ini menjadi salah satu sumber utama update berita dari detik ke detik bukan dari jam ke jam lagi. Di Twitter untuk melihat topik yang paling dibicarakan memalui tweet dapat dilihat di Trending Topic yang secara real time selalu update, buat tweeps asal Indonesia sangat gampang sekali "mempermainkan" Trending Topic ini apalagi pada saat jam sibuk twitteran alias prime time sore sampai malam hari. Banyak sekali topik yang serius maupun yang main-main nangkring di posisi puncak Trending Topic seperti saat meninggalnya mbah Surip atau Gus Dur beberapa saat yang lalu.

Media lain yang punya semacam Trending Topic ini sperti xRank di search engine Bing atau Yahoo! Year In Review atau Facebook Memology yang mengumpulkan data Top Status Trends di Facebook. Di akhir tahun 2009 ini, Twitter merilis Top Twitter Trends of 2009 yang berisi topik-topik utama yang pernah menghiasi Trending Topic Twitter. Ada 7 kategori Trending Topic tahunan ini antara lain: News Events, People, Movies, TV Shows, Sports (Teams, Events, Leagues), Technology dan Hash Tags.

Pemilu di Iran masih mendominasi tweet di Twitter di kategori News Event maupun Has Tags, meninggalnya sang megastar MJ juga menjadi topik hangat Twitter kategori People, sedangkan Harry Potter, Google Wave, American Idol dan Super Bowl serta has tags #musicmonday menduduki peringkat pertama untuk kategori yang lain.

Berikut List lengkap Top Twitter Trends of 2009 yang dirilis Twitter di akhir tahun 2009 ini:

News Events

1. #iranelection
2. Swine Flu
3. Gaza
4. Iran
5. Tehran
6. #swineflu
7. AIG
8. #uksnow
9. Earth Hour
10. #inaug09

1. Michael Jackson
2. Susan Boyle
3. Adam Lambert
4. Kobe (Bryant)
5. Chris Brown
6. Chuck Norris
7. Joe Wilson
8. Tiger Woods
9. Christian Bale
10. A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez)

1. Harry Potter
2. New Moon
3. District 9
4. Paranormal Activity
5. Star Trek
6. True Blood
7. Transformers 2
8. Watchmen
9. Slumdog Millionaire
10. G.I. Joe

TV Shows
1. American Idol
2. Glee
3. Teen Choice Awards
4. SNL (Saturday Night Live)
5. Dollhouse
6. Grey’s Anatomy
7. VMAS (Video Music Awards)
8. #bsg (Battlestar Galatica)
9. BET Awards
10. Lost

Sports (Teams, Events, Leagues)
1. Super Bowl
2. Lakers
3. Wimbledon
4. Cavs (Cleveland Cavaliers)
5. Superbowl
6. Chelsea
7. NFL
8. UFC 100
9. Yankees
10. Liverpool

1. Google Wave
2. Snow Leopard
3. Tweetdeck
4. Windows 7
5. CES
6. Palm Pre
7. Google Latitude
8. #E3
9. #amazonfail
10. Macworld

Hash Tags
1. #musicmonday
2. #iranelection
3. #sxsw
4. #swineflu
5. #nevertrust
6. #mm
7. #rememberwhen
8. #3drunkwords
9. #unacceptable
10. #iwish

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Top 20 Albums of 2009: 6-5

6. Blake Lewis - Heartbreak On Vinyl

If someone would have told me early in the year that a Blake Lewis album was going to end up on my top ten countdown, I wouldn’t have believed them. I was not a big fan of his thrown-together debut and had all but written him off. It turns out that he did exactly what he should have done with the follow-up. He forgot about selling records and made the album that he wanted to make. It’s obvious that this was a labor of love, and it’s all the more better for it. This is one of the most flawless electro pop albums of the year and a highlight for American Idol and talent show contestants worldwide.


5. The Galvatrons - Laser Graffiti

My top five is littered by albums that should have sold more than they did this year. The Galvatrons were one of the most exciting new bands of 2009, yet the public didn’t seem to warm to them as much as I did. Their influences are my influences when it comes to music, so I was bound to love them. The songs are uniformly great and the synth work is awesome. The videos were also amazing. The only thing that kept this from going higher is the production, which feels too cluttered for its own good. Still, song-wise, this is a flawless album.


Top 50 Singles of 2009: 15-11

15. Shakira - She-Wolf

A defining moment in a career filled with them, this strange, seductive dance track ushered in a new era for Shakira.

14. Miley Cyrus - Party In The USA

Proving she’s more than a (sometimes obnoxious) TV personality, this was the song of the Summer, even if you weren’t a Cyrus fan. Just try to resist that chorus.

13. Cinema Bizarre - I Came 2 Party

One of the more unusual RedOne productions of 2009, the former Tokio Hotel soundalikes recorded this booming club track and instantly gained a new fan.

12. Bodies Without Organs - Right Here, Right Now

The aural successor to Chariots Of Fire, this started off the new album with a bang and possesses one of the group’s catchiest, poppiest hooks yet.

11. Alexander Rybak - Fairytale

An oddball on the countdown, just as it was in Eurovision. Sometimes oddballs are good, and in this case a fiddle played with the vigor of an electric guitar is even better than good.

50 Cent Address

50 Cent Address
50 Cent
Hollywood Rapper/Singer

Name: 50 Cent
Birth Name: Curtis Jackson
Height: 6'
Sex: Male
Nationality: American
Birth Date: July 6, 1975
Birth Place: Queens, New York, New York, USA
Profession: musician, rapper

50 Cent's Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:

50 Cent Address #1:
50 Cent (Curtis Jackson)
P.O. Box 1500
New York, NY 10016

50 Cent Address #2:
50 Cent (Curtis Jackson)
JL Entertainment
18653 Ventura Blvd
Suite 340
Los Angeles, CA 91356

50 Cent Address #3:
50 Cent (Curtis Jackson)
254 W. 31 Street
4th Floor
New York, NY 10001-2813

50 Cent Address #4:
50 Cent (Curtis Jackson)
c/o Cara Lewis
William Morris Agency
1325 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019

50 Cent Address #5:
50 Cent (Curtis Jackson)
c/o Jim Wiatt
William Morris Agency
One William Morris Place
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

50 Cent Address #6:
50 Cent (Curtis Jackson)
c/o Interscope Records
2220 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90404

50 Cent Address #7:
50 Cent (Curtis Jackson)
The G-Unit Clothing Company
40 West 23rd street
New York, NY

*** End of 50 Cent Address ***

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Top 20 Albums of 2009: 8-7

8. Alphabeat - The Spell

Alphabeat changed up their sound with this second album, which is always dangerous, especially when the first one was such a success. For the follow-up, they amped up the electronic elements and took inspiration from 90’s dance music. The result is a remarkably consistent album that, song-for-song, is probably better than their debut. It doesn’t have the staggering highs of the last one, but it’s a different kind of album and one that grows with time. Bottom line is that this group is one of the best pop bands out there, and they only cemented that fact in 2009.


7. Bodies Without Organs - Big Science

What to say about BWO that hasn’t been said already? Four albums in and they remain as polished and immediate as ever. They’ve never released a bad album, so it’s easy to get complacent about their music and forget that compared to anything else in the genre, they are the ones to beat. Big Science might just be their best work yet. Though it didn’t possess the number of hit singles of albums past, it’s an excellent batch of songs that veer ever so slightly in the sci-fi direction, which is always a plus for me.


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