Justin TimberlakeHollywood Singer / ActorName: Justin TimberlakeBirth Name: Justin Randall TimberlakeHeight: 6' 1"Sex: MaleNationality: AmericanBirth Date: January 31, 1981Birth Place: Memphis, Tennessee, USAProfession: actor, musicianFather: Randall Timberlake Mother: Lynn Bomar Half Sister: Laura Katherine Timberlake Half Brother: Stephen Robert Timberlake, Jonathan Perry Timberlake...
Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010
There's No Rest For The Wicked; Unless You're The Raptors
With the confidence at an all time high, the Raptors prepare themselves for their third meeting with the Indiana Pacers tomorrow afternoon at the Air Canada Centre. Sitting - not so comfortably - in the 5th seed, the Raps know that they can't relax for even a second.Or should they?Much...
You've Got Cash From PayPal WishList

Bulan November 2009 yang lalu pernah posting tentang Bagi-Bagi Duit US$100 Dari PayPal WishList, yakni program yang dibuat Paypal melalui Facebook ternyata terbukti bukan scam atau program tipu-tipuan. Yang gak ikutan mungkin nyesel terutama yang sinis memandang itu bohongan karena akhir Januari kemarin secara resmi dolar dari payPal itupun masuk ke rekening kita. Meski di awal program itu dah diumumkan...
Jumat, 29 Januari 2010
Star Pilots - I'm Alive

"I will walk the walk of life forever young"Straight-up cheeseball dance for you today because, well... it's a Friday, and it's been a long day! Sweden's Star Pilots are coming off of a string of three fantastically overblown clubpop singles and now, after many months of waiting, we get to hear something new. As of now, I've gotta say this is the weakest of their singles. It's definitely got that...
Kamis, 28 Januari 2010
From Turkey with Love
Ball.According to Hedo Turkoglu, that's all that was needed to be said. With a season high in points and shot attempts, the Turkey native used a single - and awkward - word to sum up exactly what the difference was in his best game as a Raptor.Right from the start of things, Raptors...
Pony The Pirate - Psychopedia

"There's a thought, I don't think about it"A brief sidestep from Sweden to Norway and yet another brilliant new band. Like Ginger Ninja, I'm not loving the band name, but I'm willing to look past that when the music's this strong. Pony The Pirate sound like Superfamily mixed with Royworld (remember them?) mixed with The Polyphonic Spree (remember them???). They have an enormous sound, due mostly to...
Rabu, 27 Januari 2010
Time For The Raptors To Find A New Love
Last night's win against the Miami Heat was a big one. Not only did it propel the Raptors into the 5th seed, but it allowed the team to finally move the furthest its been from the .500 mark this season. During this recent stretch of great basketball, Toronto has flirted with the...
O'Spada - Time

"Try and tie me to the ground"I am really stuck in Sweden lately. It's no surprise, of course. They are consistently the number one producer of good music, and lately there have been a ton of great new bands emerging from the country. O'Spada have released a couple of singles, this one being their first, in anticipation of an album later this Spring. They have an insanely funky sound, sort of like...
New Twitter's Feature: Local Trends

Bagi pengguna Twitter pasti mengenal keberadaan Trending Topics yang berisi topik-topik pembicaraan yang sedang hangat dibicarakan di Twitter secara real time. Saat ini bahkan yang ada di Trending Topic Twitter menjadi bahan acuan berita atau peristiwa terkini yang sedang terjadi. Di halaman utama Twitter sebelum login pasti terlihat deretan kata-kata dalam tiga baris yang berisi topik populetr dalam...
Selasa, 26 Januari 2010
Aborigin Flag From Google Doodle Australia Day

Kemarin, 26 Januari 2010, Google ikut merayakan Australia Day atau Hari Australia yang merupakan hari kebangsaan resmi untuk memperingati tibanya Armada Pertama di Sydney pada tahun 1788 di pihak lain suku-suku Aborigin atau suku asli Australia menganggap sebagai Hari Penjajahan (Invasion Day) terutama memandangnya sebagai peringatan penghancuran budaya asli benua kangguru itu.Yang menarik dari Australia...
Google Doodle 26.01.10: Australia Day 2010

Edition: Australia Day 2010Date: 26.January.2010Country: Google AustraliaSource: Google Australia BlogAbout Autralia ...
Google Doodle 26.01.10: Celebrates Kuwait’s National Day

Edition: Celebrates Kuwait’s National Day (Mistake Google Logo)Date: 26.January.2010 (yang benar: 25.February.2010)Country: Google KuwaitSource: http://www.google.com/logos/kuwaitnatlday10-hp.gifAbout Kuwait...
Google Doodle 26.01.10: Celebrates Indian 60th Republic Day

Edition: Celebrates Indian 60th Republic DayDate: 26.January.2010Country: Google IndiaSource: http://www.google.co.in/logos/indiarepublic10hp.gifAbout India Republic ...
Dyno - Above And Beyond

"You've gotta move and go beyond her"I've got something very exciting for you all today. Sweden's Dyno are THE band to watch in 2010, mark my words. The guys have been kind enough to let me hear what they're working on, and I can safely say that they are creating the best debut album I've heard in quite some time. No joke. If you liked the EP, you've going to love the album. I've got an exclusive...
Senin, 25 Januari 2010
An Emotional Rollercoaster Ride
Last night, the Air Canada Centre held the best ticket in town - and the show did not disappoint. Those who were in attendance were treated to what may very well turn out to be Toronto's game of the year. After both teams exchanged blow after blow, the final buzzer sounded, and the Raptors walked away with a 106-105 win over the defending NBA champions.Like the game itself, the month of January has...
Ola Joyce - Window Shopping

"You should be a model or the mistress of a politician"I've been wanting to share this song for so long now, but haven't been able to find a HQ version to stream. This still isn't 100% there, but it's pretty close. Regardless, Window Shopping needs to be heard. Ola Joyce is a new Swedish singer-songwriter with influences that range from Rufus Wainwright to Prince to (in this song) Duran Duran. This...
Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010
Google Doodle 23.01.10: 100th Anniversary of Django Reinhard's Birthday

Edition: 100th Anniversary of Django Reinhard's BirthdayDate: 23.January.2010Country: Google France & BelgiumSource: http://www.google.com/logos/djangoreinhardt10.gifAbout Django Reinh...
Jumat, 22 Januari 2010
Google Doodle 22.01.10: Porridge Day

Edition: Porridge DayDate: 22.January 2010Country: Google ChinaSource: http://www.google.com/logos/porridgeday10-hp.gifAbout Porridge Day...
First Real-Time Tweet From Space

20 jam yang lalu atau hari Jumat 22 Jannuari 2010 seperti gambar di atas merupakan tweet pertama yang dikirimkan dari luar angkasa secara live. Salah satu astronot NASA yang juga seorang Flight Engineer - Science Officer Timothy Creamer berhasil mengirimkan pesan melalui Twitter dengan nickname @Astro_TJ menggunakan teknologi baru NASA yang memungkinkan untuk berkoneksi langsung dengan internet di...
Give This Win To The Amazing ACC Crowd
For most of the night, the Toronto Raptors lacked it. Yet when the team needed it the most, the ACC crowd provided it. Home court advantage is something that is often cherished in professional sports, and tonight, it was especially valuable to the Raps.With all due respect to the Bucks and their fans, the Raptors have much higher expectations. Yet when the home team could not come out firing, their...
Pop Blitz 1/22/10
Goldfrapp - RocketThis is better than I dared hope Goldfrapp would come back with, especially after their left-turn of a folk-pop album. Bright, summery synths never sounded better. It's like they studied this blog and constructed something to appeal especially to me. AYoung Money...
Hilary Swank Address
Hilary SwankHollywood ActressName: Hilary SwankBirth Name: Hilary Ann SwankHeight: 5' 5"Sex: FemaleNationality: AmericanBirth Date: July 30, 1974Birth Place: Lincoln, Nebraska, USAProfession: actressEducation: South Pasadena High School in Pasadena, CaliforniaSanta Monica City CollegeMother: Judy Swank Hilary Swank's Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:Hilary Swank Address...
Kamis, 21 Januari 2010
Google Doodle 21.01.10: Grandparent's Day (Dzień Dziadka)

Edition: Grandparent's Day (Dzień Dziadka)Date: 21.January.2010Country: Google Poland (Polandia)Source: http://www.google.com/logos/grandparentsday10.gifAbout Grandparent's ...
Casablanca - Downtown

"We've got one chance left to turn it all around"Imagine my delight when discovering that two fifths of this new Swedish supergroup are Erik Stenemo (from Melody Club) and Josephine Forsman (from Sahara Hotnights). That alone caught my attention and guaranteed that I was going to sit up and take Casablanca seriously. The band hearkens back to the over-the-top hair metal of the 80's and is very authentic...
JavaJazzFestival on BlackBerry®

Bulan Maret tahun ini tepatnya tanggal 5-6-7 akan diselenggarakan acara festival musik jazz tahunan Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2010 yang untuk tahun ini diselenggarakan di JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta. Puluhan artis atau band internasional maupun dari dalam negeri yang ikutan di acara ini, tercatat ada Manhattan Transfer, Toni Braxton, Babyface, Lee Ritenour dan beberapa penyanyi jazz tenar...
Rabu, 20 Januari 2010
Google Doodle 20.01.10: Festival of San Sebastian

Edition: Festival of San SebastianDate: 20.January.2010Country: Google Spain (Spanyol)Source: http://www.google.com/logos/sansebastian10-hp.gifAbout Festival of San Sebast...
Back To Back To Under .500
Words could not describe the look on Chris Bosh's face after he put up a career high 44 points only to end up losing to the Milwaukee Bucks. In all the seasons of Bosh's young career, I had never seen the Raptors' captain look so dejected. Tonight's 107-113 loss definitely proved...
Peacocks - Fast Lover

"Slow me down, it's too soon"I've had my eyes on Australia's Peacocks for awhile now. Quite a few months ago (maybe over a year?), they had some amazing songs up on their myspace. Since then, they've added another vocalist and went a bit clubbier. While I much prefer their older stuff, I'm really into this new song of theirs, Fast Lover. It features exclusively the vocals of their new member, Mereki...
Bill Gates, Twitter dan Web Baru Tentang Pemikirannya

Siapa yang gak kenal Bill Gates dengan Microsoft-nya? kali ini Bill Gates kembali mengguncang dunia perTwitteran dengan account baru di Twitter. Baru dibuat sekitar 8 jam langsung melesat tajam jumlah followernya sebanyak 100 ribu orang bahkan saat tulisan ini dibuat sudah sebanyak 244.796 follower yang mengikuti tweet Bill Gates ini, yang pasti kata kunci Bill Gates juga melesat sebagai Trending...
Selasa, 19 Januari 2010
Too Many Missed Chances; Even More Missed Jumpers
Make no mistake about it, tonight's clash with the East's titan was a big game. With one of the best records in the NBA since December, the Toronto Raptors arrived into Cleveland on a high. Unfortunately, with the lights on (game broadcasted on national TV), the Raptors were unable to come out of it with a victory.The final score of 108-100 is a bit deceiving, as the team in black and red actually...
Track-by-Track: Ke$ha - Animal

Oh, Ke$ha. I am not a fan, and I should probably preface this review with that. I find her obnoxious. Every interview I've seen, she's come across as clueless and/or intoxicated and the fact that a song as average as Tik Tok has become a number one hit for so many weeks speaks volumes about the sorry state of hit music. All that being said, in the interest of objectivity I'm going to stuff my annoyance...
Senin, 18 Januari 2010
Ginger Ninja - Bone Will Break Metal

"We could be anything, anything"LOVE this band. They're one of those discoveries that really gets me excited, and I think they'll be huge in their native Denmark this year (despite the ridiculous name). If you're looking for a massive electro/pop/rock song, this is the best I've heard in some while. The massive, swooping synths alone are worth a mention, but the instant chorus and fantastic lyrics...
Minggu, 17 Januari 2010
BlackBerry Messenger Sebagai Media Baru Penyebaran Hoax

Pernah mendapatkan pesan BlackBerry Messenger seperti gambar di atas? Kalo pernah abaikan saja dan jangan kirim secara Broadcast Message lagi pesan berantai tersebut atau biasa kita sebut Hoax alias berita bohong ke daftar kontak BBM anda.Beberapa waktu yang lalu memang beredar luas dari BBM ke BBM dari orang yang memang ada di daftar contact atau mungkin baru menambahkan PIN, saat ini dengan adanya...
Google Doodle January 2010 (3rd Week)

Google sebagai mesin pencari yang terbesar dan tersebar di berbagai negara selalu memperingati hari-hari tertentu di setiap negara dengan mengganti logo resminya dengan logo spesial yang biasa disebut Google Doodles.Di Minggu ke 3 January ini tercatat empat Google Doodle di empat negara berbeda yakni 120th Birthday of Karel Capek (Czech Republic, Slovakia), Coming of Age Day (Japan), Festival of Kites...
Raptors Avoid Disaster; Get Ready For National TV
After a convincing blowout against one of the best teams in the NBA, the Toronto Raptors can finally exhale. Whew. That was a close call.The potential nightmare began with the Raps giving up a 23 point lead, only to tragically fall to the Indiana Pacers. In the eyes of many fans, that game was a must win, especially considering Toronto had recently resurfaced from underneath the .500 mark. For the...
New Feature: Facebook's ReTweet

Facebook saat ini makin Twitter banget, gimana gak kalo saat ini malah nambah lagi fitur-fitur Twitter yang disematkan di Facebook, hal ini mungkin dilakukan Facebook untuk menarik kembali penggunanya yang mulai lari ke Twitter. Beberapa waktu yang lalu mungkin kita ingat adanya fitur "@mention" atau kalo di Twitter "@reply" yang ditambahkan untuk update status Facebook dengan menyebut nama teman...
Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010
Activate Imeem Playlist On MySpace Music

Sudah beberapa waktu yang lalu matinya layanan musik streaming imeem.com saat dibeli MySpace senilai USD 1 Juta yang lalu, kini para pengguna imeem dapat kembali mendengarkan playlist yang pernah dibuat di Imeem.Sungguh mengecewakan memang dengan mati mendadaknya imeem tersebut karena mungkin pemilik account imeem belum sempat mendata playlist dan situs music streaming tersebut tidak dapat diakses...
Keyboard Shortcut Seesmic For BlackBerry

Udah instal Seesmic For BlackBerry? Ada Keyboard Shortcut yang bermanfaat bagi pengguna BlackBerry yang trackball-nya ngadat agar tetap dapat menggunakan Seesmic For BlackBerry buat twitteran, berikut shortcutnya:T (for top): melihat pesan yang di atasnyaB (for bottom): melihat pesan yang di bawahnyaalt + space - to scroll page downshift + space: scroo ke atas/ page upS (search): new searchShortcut...
Jumat, 15 Januari 2010
Millennium Playlist Day Five: #20-1
20. Elkland - Apart (2005)Best bit - 0:49 That fractured, staccato second half of the chorus. 19. The Sounds - Dance With Me (2002)Best bit - 0:00 One of my favorite synth hooks of the 00's. 18. The Callahan - Melody That Counts (2005)Best bit - 1:48 Comes back more aggressive than...
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