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Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

Shock And Awe

The picture is fitting right? Because doesn't Kevin Durant remind you of that cheap video game player your best friend always created? You know what I'm talking about, the one that was taller than anyone else at their position, could score from anywhere, could move incredibly fast for their height, and had 99 overall everything? Well, that's what the Raptors had to deal with tonight. Except in this...

Google Doodle 28.02.10: Vancouver 2010 (Closing)

Edition: Vancouver 2010 (Closing)Date: 28.February.2010Country: Google GlobalSource: http://www.google.com/logos/olympics10-closing-hp.pngAbout Vancouver 2010 Olympics Games...

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

Melodifestivalen 2010: Heat Four

My thoughts on the songs/performances/etc:First off, I'm gonna begin yet again by stating my annoyance with svt's crap streaming of the video. This week was the worst yet, buffering throughout almost the entire show. So, my thoughts on performances could change when I have the chance...

Google Doodle 27.02.10: Vancouver 2010 (Speed Skating)

Edition: Vancouver 2010 (Speed Skating)Date: 27.February.2010Country: Google GlobalSource: http://www.google.co.id/logos/olympics10-sskating-hp.pngAbout Speed Skating Vancouver 2...

Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

Canada's Got Talent; With Chris Bosh As Guest Judge

You can't tell me it didn't cross his mind. At least once. It had to.Forget American Idol. Who cares about America's Got Talent. This is the Canadian counterpart of the NBA, and it was the only thing that Chris Bosh cared about on this night. Yeah sure, Shaq was out. But no one in their right mind would say O'Neal's absence would have more of an impact than Bosh's absence. The Raptors rely on CB4...

Rihanna - Sexuality

"You want me, then make a move"Today's post is a little different than most because I usually write about indie or unknown artists, but that doesn't mean that I'm not 100% obsessed with mainstream pop music. It's been several months since Rihanna released her latest album and I've gotta say I haven't listened to it since 2009. This despite the fact that I gave it a very high grade in my review and...

Heidi Klum Address

Heidi KlumInternational Model/Actress/HostName: Heidi KlumBirth Name: Heidi SamuelHeight: 5 ft 9.25 in Sex: FemaleNationality: German-AmericanBirth Date: June 1, 1973Birth Place: Bergisch Gladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia, West GermanyProfession: model, host, actressHusband: Seal (2005–present)Sons: Henry Gunther Ademola Dashtu Samuel (born September 15, 2005, Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel (born...

James Holzier Address

James Holzier Hollywood ActorOne of the hottest rising celebrities in the world. James Holzier is an American actor and model. Born on August 11th in Fairfax, Virgina. Born to Jim and Christine Holzier. His father Jim is of German descent and his mother, Irish decent. James was born 3 months early and this pre-mature baby had his struggle since the beginning. He fell from a roof at a young age and...

Google Doodle 26.02.10: Vancouver 2010 (Short Track)

Edition: Vancouver 2010 (Short Track)Date: 26.February.2010Country: Google GlobalSource: http://www.google.com/logos/olympics10-shorttrack-hp.pngAbout Short Track Vancouver 2...

Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Cavs @ Raptors Preview: Reaching Over The Panic Button For My Coffee

It's not exactly time to push the big red button. Not just yet. Soon maybe. But not right now at least. Like Jarrett Jack always says - "It's best to stay even keel". Never get too high, nor too low. So with that said, let's look at what going good for the Raps, and what we can legitimately worry about. First, the things that keep me up at night when it comes to our Raptors:Since the team has come...

Google Doodle 25.02.10: Vancouver 2010 (Nordic Combined)

Edition: Vancouver 2010 (Nordic Combined)Date: 25.February.2010Country: Google GlobalSource: http://www.google.co.id/logos/olympics10-nordic-hp.pngAbout Nordic Combined Vancouver 2...

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Is this the tracklist for the Ark's new cd?

Now, I'm not Swedish (as much as I'd like to be!), and although I can read bits and pieces of the language, I'm not so good with the aural part. But... the following list of songs appeared at the end of the Ola Salo documentary that aired recently on Swedish television. Two of the...

Rongedal - Because Of You

"I only do the things I do because of you"Rongedal recently released their second album Absolutely Nowhere (I could make a really mean joke here, but won't) and, while I'm not on board with the entire thing, they've pushed themselves into more of an electronic 80's vibe on a few tracks and I'm all for that. Because Of You opens the album and is easily the standout. These guys can get a little too...

Blazers @ Raptors Preview: Raptors Roulette - Turk You're Up

Hey Hedo! Remember that day? Raptors fans surely do. That was the day you arrived in Portland and gave the Trail Blazers general manager Kevin Pritchard a false sense of security - all before backstabbing him for Toronto. Don't get us wrong, that was real sweet of you. No ones ever picked us before like that. But we're thinking the honeymoon may be over now.So now it becomes a matter of "What have...

Google Doodle 24.02.10: Vancouver 2010 (Ice Hockey)

Edition: Vancouver 2010 (Ice Hockey)Date: 24.February.2010Country: Google GlobalSource: http://www.google.co.id/logos/olympics10-hockey-hp.pngAbout Ice Hockey Vancouver 2...

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Melodifestivalen: Heat Four - Preliminary Judging

A couple of this week's clips leaked online, forcing svt's hand to reveal all eight clips several days early. So, my thoughts are coming earlier this week as well.(Listen to clips here)Sibel - StopThis is about as different from her last entry as possible, and definitely preferable....

With A Side Of Red [The Marco Polo Edition] - Feb.23/10

Aright, for those of you that have read my work before, you know that whenever I put a "With A Side Of Red" piece together, it doesn't involve any statistical breakdowns. I like to stay away from that stuff and keep it simple in this particular column of the GamePoint Blog, but I just couldn't resist today. I had an entire entry written about Marco Belinelli before somehow losing it...To be fair though,...

Measuring Tweets: 600 Tweets Per Second!

Tahun ini pertumbuhan Twitter meningkat tajam di seluruh dunia, buat pengguna Indonesia bahkan banyak yang sudah meninggalkan Facebook dan ini seperti yang terjadi tahun lalu saat Facebook booming menggantikan Friendster. Sebanding dengan data pengguna Twitter di seluruh dunia jumlah tweet atau update hampir mendekati status update yang dilakukan pengguna Facebook perharinya yang berjumlah 60 juta...

Google Doodle 23.02.10: Vancouver 2010 (Free Style Skiing)

Edition: Vancouver 2010 (Free Style Skiing)Date: 23.February.2010Country: Google GlobalSource: http://www.google.co.id/logos/olympics10-freestyleski-hp.pngAbout Vancouver 2010 (Free Style Skii...

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

With A Side Of Red - Feb.22/10

Riding that GO-Train? Gotcha Covered. Waiting for the TTC? Yup, you too. Stuck in class? Definitely gotcha covered. I'm here with another edition of "With A Side of Red", your favorite side dish to whatever it is you're doing. The first course of Raptors tidbits has us with the official Internet debut of Chris Bosh's First Ink commercial. It's been a highly discussed Raptors topic among fans because...

Taio Cruz - Keep Going

"Keep going 'til we run out of road"Taio Cruz is one of the UK's best kept secrets. He's quite successful over there, most recently with his fantastic single Break Your Heart, and is easily one of the country's best producers. Other than a couple of tracks (which try too hard to sound American), his newest album borders on perfection. Rather than settle for simple r&b, Cruz deftly brings electro,...

Andrew Melvin "Drew" Gooden

Drew GoodenAndrew Melvin "Drew" Gooden (born September 24, 1981 in Oakland, California) is an American professional basketball player with the Los Angeles Clippers in the NBA. Gooden is a 6'10", 250 lbs. power forward from the University of Kansas.Source : WIkipedia....

Google Doodle 22.02.10: Vancouver 2010 (Ice Dance/ Figure Skating)

Edition: Vancouver 2010 (Ice Dance/ Figure Skating)Date: 22.February.2010Country: Google GlobalSource: http://www.google.co.id/logos/olympics10-icedance-hp.pngAbout Figure Skating Vancouver 2...

Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal

Shaquille O'NealShaquille Rashaun O'Neal (born March 6, 1972), nicknamed "Shaq", is an American professional basketball player, rapper, actor, reserve police officer and a U.S. Deputy Marshal.[1] He is widely perceived as one of the most dominant players in the history of the NBA. Standing at 7 ft 1 in (2.16 m) and weighing 325 pounds (147 kg), he is one of the largest players to ever play in the...

Google Doodle 21.02.10: Vancouver 2010 (Bobsleigh)

Edition: Vancouver 2010 (Bobsleigh)Date: 21.February.2010Country: Google GlobalSource: http://www.google.com/logos/olympics10-bobsleigh-hp.pngAbout Bobsleigh Vancouver 2...

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Literally

Tonight, the sport of basketball was given a rare Saturday night spotlight at the Air Canada Centre. A national stage was made ready for showcasing; a stage usually reserved for a particular blue and white. Sure, there are traditions here in this country that have etched their importance in millions of Canadian hearts. But you know what? After that thrilling 109-104 win against the Washington Wizards,...

Melodifestivalen 2010: Heat Three

My thoughts on the songs/performances/etc:Oh no, it's not good when the video stream starts out bad. What is going on? I mean, why even offer the service if it's not going to work?Oh well, it's back on now. The only question is... how long will it last?What the heck, by the way,...

With A Side Of Red - Feb.20/10

A Shoon Classic; More Info BelowYou know what it is, another edition of your favorite side dish to absolutely anything and everything. With A Side Of Red - your source for random Raptors tidbits. First off, an apology to Mr. Hedo Turkoglu. Two days ago, I put out an article wondering what Hedo Turkoglu's "My Player" teammate grade would be in his performance against the Memphis Grizzlies. Obviously,...

LeBron Raymone James

LeBron JamesLeBron Raymone James (born December 30, 1984) is an American professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed "King James", he was a three-time "Mr. Basketball" of Ohio in high school, and was highly promoted in the national media as a future NBA superstar while a sophomore at St. Vincent–St. Mary High School. At just 18,...

Google Doodle 20.02.10: Vancouver 2010 (Ski Jumping)

Edition: Vancouver 2010 (Ski Jumping)Date: 20.February.2010Contry: Google GlobalSource: http://www.google.com/logos/olympics10-skijump-hp.pngAbout Ski Jump...

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Antawn Cortez Jamison

Antawn Jamison Antawn Cortez Jamison (born June 12, 1976, in Shreveport, Louisiana) is an American professional basketball player in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He currently plays power forward for the Cleveland Cavaliers and was a member of the USA National Team for the 2006 FIBA World Championships.Source : Wikipedia....

Melodifestivalen: Heat Three - Preliminary Judging

Now this is more like it! On names alone, this was bound to be the strongest heat and listening to the clips only confirms that.(Listen to clips here)Alcazar - HeadlinesWhile I can't tell if this will be another Stay The Night, the clip sounds very strong. Alcazar were pretty much...

Facebook For Google Chrome Version 2.0

Bagi pengguna browser Google Chrome terasa belum puas apabila belum memasang extensions (semacam add-ons pada Firefox) pada halaman browsernya. Bertebaran Google Chrome Extensions yang ada saat ini dengan berbagai fungsinya dan banyak Extensions dengan fungsi yang sama meski fiturnya bisa berbeda.Buat Fesbuker juga tersedia extension Facebook For Google Chrome yang berguna untuk mengakses Facebook...

Raptors @ Nets Preview [Feb.19/2010]

After a disappointing loss to the Grizzlies on Wednesday night - a loss that snapped our season high 8 game home winning streak - only one question takes centre stage:Which Raptors team shows up against the Nets tonight? So which side of the Raptors coin do the Nets flip? After all,...

"BlogThis!", Blogging On Chrome Browser

Google Chrome salah satu web browser milik Google mengeluarkan semacam add-ons pada Firefox yang diberi nama Extensions. Kali ini kita bahas tentang extensions yang penting buat para blogger yang menggunakan browser Chrome.Kadangkala pada saat kita browsing ada halaman situs yang menarik dan pengen kita bahas atau sekedar diposting di blog. Dengan menginstall "BlogThis!" yang termasuk salah satu extensions...

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