Jumat, 30 April 2010
Val & The Bitches - Monkey See, Monkey Do

"Look at all that we can be together"
I've been wanting to write about this song for AGES. I heard it several years ago (yes, years) on Swedish radio and that one listen stuck with me. Now, months and months later, I finally tracked the song down and had listen number two. And it's just as I remembered it. Val & The Bitches are a Swedish band--sort of the Scandinavian equivalent to the Noisettes, except punkier. There's also a strong new wave influence in a number of tracks (and in the band's styling). But it's the funkiness of this track that stuck with me for so long. The swaggering chorus is very 80's Prince and that instrumental hook is immensely catchy. Robo-funk. I love it. They're also signed to the same label that the Mo used to be with. Not that that means much sonically, but it was one of the first reasons I stumbled upon this band. Why this song wasn't a huge hit in Sweden, I'll never know. Not all their songs are this immediate, but there are a few other standouts on the album so be sure to check it out.
Val & The Bitches - Monkey See, Monkey Do by alienhits
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Google Doodle 01.05.10: May Day/ Hari Buruh
Edition: May Day/ Hari Buruh/ Dia do Trabalho/ Maifeiertag
Date: 01.May.2010
Country: Google Global
About May Day
Date: 01.May.2010
Country: Google Global
About May Day
sejarah hari buruh di indonesia juga cukup menarik dengan peringatan 1 mei ini sejak tahun 1920 tetapi sejak berkuasanya orde baru hari buruh ini tak lagi diperingati di indonesia termasuk ditiadakannya hari libur di may day ini, secara identik di masa orba gerakan buruh ini dihubungkan dengan gerakan dan paham komunis semenjak kejadian g30s pki. setelah era orde baru berakhir, hari buruh 1 mei ini kembali marak dirayakan oleh buruh di indonesia dengan berbagai demonya.
google seperti biasanya juga ikut memperingati may day atau hari buruh sedunia ini dengam google doodlenya yang kali ini tayang secara global di berbagai negara termasuk google indonesia di hari ini.
bagaimana dengan perayaan hari buruh tahun ini? semoga aman dan terkendali saja.. selamat memperingati hari buruh...
Google Doodle 30.04.10: Día del Niño/ Children Day In México

Edition: Children's Day in Mexico/ Día del Niño México
Date: 30.April.2010
Country: Google Mexico
About Children Day
Date: 30.April.2010
Country: Google Mexico
About Children Day
Google Logo Yang Lain: Di Sini dan Di Facebook
Google Doodle 30.04.10: Queen's Day 2010

Edition: Queen's Day 2010/ Fijne Koninginnedag 2010
Date: 30.April.2010
Country: Google Netherlands
About Queen's Day/ Koninginnedag
Date: 30.April.2010
Country: Google Netherlands
About Queen's Day/ Koninginnedag
Google Logo Yang Lain: Di Sini dan Di Facebook
Solving The Bosh Puzzle: The Boston Celtics Piece
So one day in late April, I checked in on my blog and noticed a lack of something. Sifting through them, I found pieces on Hedo, the Young Gunz, the Amazing Race, video games, the Olympics, etc. But the one thing that was truly missing was a piece about the franchise - CB4. And yeah, sure, maybe I did that because every other media outlet was beating the whole "Chris Bosh" topic to death; but still.
Like many others, I don't want to take Bosh for granted. And so with the realization that he may be gone very soon, I wanted to dedicate the next 30 days or so to him with my writing and this very blog. After all, this may be my last chance to discuss him on here.
The mission - should you choose to read it - is simple. Everyday, I'll breakdown a different team's outlook in regards to acquiring our franchise player. We'll take a look at how a potential transaction will affect both sides of the spectrum, and whether or not such a move could potentially go down.
Disclaimer: Let's please keep in mind that I'm not majoring in the NBA's Collective Bargaining Agreement; so if there's a few errors here and there in that regards, please let me know. Thanks!
Yesterday's Piece: The Atlanta Hawks
Today's Piece: The Boston Celtics
Players of Interests
- Rajon Rondo
- Kendrick Perkins
- Glen Davis
- Their fans to admit what the TD in "TD Garden" really stands for?
We all realized that the Celtics sold their soul to the devil when they signed on to bring the Big 3 to Boston. To summarize: Mortgage your future for a few years of legitimately contending for a championship. As well worth the ride was, it's now time to finally break it all up.
Everyone but Kevin Garnett, Rasheed Wallace, Glen Davis, Rajon Rondo, and Kendrick Perkins are expected to hit free agency this year - yeah I know, not exactly the most threatening of teams. Right now, the biggest variable (and what has most Celtics fans concerned with) is whether or not they choose to re-sign Paul Pierce. He has a player option for next year worth around 22 million. But as lofty as a payday that may sound, he's better off opting for free agency and trying to snatch what will probably be the last big long term deal of his career.
So then it comes down to this: Do you give Pierce a big contract out of loyalty to one of the greatest Celtics of all time? Or do you finally part ways and realize it's best to rebuild while you wait out the remaining years on KG's and Wallace's disgusting contracts. I'm not sure what management is thinking, but I do know a lot of Celtics fans are either leaning or at least expecting what they call "A Return to the Dark Age".
Toronto and Boston really aren't the best of trading partners when it comes to Bosh; actually they're quite awful. The Raps don't want to trade Bosh to a divisional rival, and Bosh doesn't want to play on a rebuilding team. On top of that, I'm pretty sure Boston can just outright sign Chris if they wanted to depending on the cap amount next year. Of course, you also have to take into account the unlikeliness of that happenings considering Bosh really would like that extra 6th year only Toronto can give him in a Sign And Trade. Precedent in the NBA shows that no one can turn down an extra 30 million dollars.
I know Raptors fans would love Rondo, but that's certainly not happening. Ray Allen would be nice, but he won't be on the team next year. So what the heck do they have? Draft picks perhaps? But certainly, they would hold onto those right? If Bosh MUST go to Boston, I'm expecting whatever expirings they have in return, a fat TPE, as well as whatever draft picks they have for the next year or two.
The Preferred Scenario:
Raptors Trades Chris Bosh
Boston Trades Kendrick Perkins (expiring), Glen Davis (expiring), TPE, future draft picks
In this ugly looking trade, the Raps get the best of what Boston is willing to give up. I would prefer Rajon Rondo coming back, but obviously we'll try to keep this as realistic as possible. With this, Boston transitions from one of the best PFs of the last decade in Garnett to one of the best future PFs in Bosh. Paired up with Rondo, they could become one of the best big-small duos in the league. But with a rapidly aging team around them, the Celtics need to get young and athletic quick before they can start thinking championships again (hard to do with Garnett and Wallace' contracts). On the other hand, the Raptors get two small expiring contracts and serviceable big-men that will bring much needed swagger to this team. With the possibility of Boston struggling, those draft picks may turn out to be lottery picks as well.
More Likely Scenario:
We Just Stay Away From Each Other
I can pretty much guarantee this happens.
Kamis, 29 April 2010
Gravitonas - Kites

"All we want is to be heard"
I feel like Alexander Bard (of BWO, Army Of Lovers, Vacuum fame) really only has a few song templates that he keeps reshuffling and releasing. There's certainly a Bard "sound." I think I could spot one of his songs without even knowing who the artist was. So, it's not surprising that his first single with his new project Gravitonas sounds like it could have been on the latest BWO album. The only real difference is the vocals (though new vocalist Andreas Öhrn even sounds a little like BWO's Martin Rolinski). Luckily, Kites would have been a great BWO song and is, in fact, a great Gravitonas song. It's hardly the rock music some of us were expecting, though there is a catchy guitar hook throughout. More importantly, the track builds into somewhat of an anthem. The chorus is pretty silly, but delivered with the total straight-faced drama that seems to be a bit of a Bard trademark. Best part? About a third of the way through when the beat well and truly drops. It's nice to know that the pop world has someone like Alexander Bard (even though I'd prefer another BWO album!).
Gravitonas - Kites by alienhits
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Google Doodle April 2010

Date: 29.April.2010
Country: Google Germany
About Karl Drais
beraneka macam logo google dibuat di bulan april ini yang dipersembahkan buat memperingati sejarah yang ada di muka bumi ini. selain google doodle yang ditayangkan secara serentak di seluruh dunia ada juga yang hanya ditayang di satu atau beberapa negara aja.
di bukan april ada 3 google doodle yang ditayangkan secara serentak yakni perayaan hc.andersen dengan lima seri google doodle kemudian dilanjutkan edisi earth day atau hari bumi dan yang terakhir doodle buat memperingati 20 tahun peluncuran hubble telescope oleh nasa.
kalo untuk google doodle yang hanya ditayangkan di negara tertentu seperti yang ada di atas (peringatan ulang tahun ke 225 karl drais) yang di tayangkan google jerman. sedangkan google doodle lokal lainnya dari berbagai negara yang ditayangkan di bulan april ini antara lain:
Date: 25.April.2010
Country: Google Australia & Google New Zealand
About ANZAC Day
Country: Google Australia & Google New Zealand
About ANZAC Day
Date: 25.April.2010
Country: Google Australia & Google New Zealand
About ANZAC Day
Country: Google Australia & Google New Zealand
About ANZAC Day
Date: 23.April.2010
Country: Google UK
About St George's Day
Country: Google UK
About St George's Day
23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı
Date: 23.April.2010
Country: Google Turkey
About National Sovereignty Day and Children's Day in Turkey
Date: 23.April.2010
Country: Google Turkey
About National Sovereignty Day and Children's Day in Turkey
Date: 21.April.2010
Country: Google Hongkong
Country: Google Hongkong
Date: 20.April.2010
Country: Google Israel
About Israël Independance Day
Country: Google Israel
About Israël Independance Day

Edition: Јосиф Панчић (Joseph Pančića's Birthday)
Date: 16.April.2010
Country: Google Serbia
Date: 16.April.2010
Country: Google Serbia

Edition: XII Settimana Della Cultura/ Discover the Italian Culture Week
Date: 15.April.2010
Country: Google Italy
Date: 15.April.2010
Country: Google Italy

Date: 18.April.2010
Country: Google Spain
About Feria de Abril/ Seville Fair

Date: 17.April.2010
Country: Google Denmark
About Karen Blixen

Date: 09.April.2010
Country: Google Czech Republic & Slovakia
About Vlasta Burian

Date: 01.April.2010
Country: Google US
About April Fools Day
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Rabu, 28 April 2010
The Ark - Singing 'Bout The City

"I was born and raised with a cross in my face"
As my review yesterday noted, the new Ark album is a curious thing, for sure. I think if it had been recorded by any other band I’d be singing its praises right now, but with the standard the Ark have set for themselves over the years, I’m a little reticent. However, I’m unflinching in my praise for one of the album’s best tracks. Singing ‘Bout The City is one of the strangest songs in the Ark canon. Sure, Ola’s musings about the differences between city and country life aren’t all that surprising, but the music behind them is almost jarringly new. Awhile back, the band had expressed interest in bringing country-rock influences into this record, and there’s definitely some of that to be found in the guitar here. But then it shifts into a pure disco hook (a little Bee Gees-esque?) that saves it from becoming a one-genre experiment. Add to that the funky big-band jazz flourishes that punctuate the opening (does it remind anyone else of the theme to Cowboy Bebop?), and you’ve got something that’s quite indefinable. And that’s before the song has segued into its theatrical, symphonic middle section. It’s the kind of shift that defines what an amazing band the Ark really are. They’re willing to experiment within the pop/rock genre they’ve established for themselves. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. Luckily, it’s very successful here. And, unlike a few of the other tracks, Ola’s vocals are spot on throughout, meeting each shift in sound with the verve and believability of a true showman. It certainly doesn’t hurt that this has gotta be one of the more autobiographical songs he’s written.
The Ark - Singing 'Bout The City by milproj2
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Solving The Bosh Puzzle: The Atlanta Hawks Piece
So one day in late April, I checked in on my blog and noticed a lack of something. Sifting through them, I found pieces on Hedo, the Young Gunz, the Amazing Race, video games, the Olympics, etc. But the one thing that was truly missing was a piece about the franchise - CB4. And yeah, sure, maybe I did that because every other media outlet was beating the whole "Chris Bosh" topic to death; but still.
Like many others, I don't want to take Bosh for granted. And so with the realization that he may be gone very soon, I wanted to dedicate the next 30 days or so to him with my writing and this very blog. After all, this may be my last chance to discuss him on here.
The mission - should you choose to read it - is simple. Everyday, I'll breakdown a different team's outlook in regards to acquiring our franchise player. We'll take a look at how a potential transaction will affect both sides of the spectrum, and whether or not such a move could potentially go down.
Disclaimer: Let's please keep in mind that I'm not majoring in the NBA's Collective Bargaining Agreement; so if there's a few errors here and there in that regards, please let me know. Thanks!
Today's Piece: The Atlanta Hawks

Players of Interests:
- Joe Johnson
- Josh Smith
- Jamal Crawford
- Marvin Williams
- Al Horford
- Jeff Teague
Atlanta's an odd case - probably so odd that it may not have been the best of teams to start off with this month long project. On one hand, the Hawks boast a plethora of talent that Toronto could find intriguing, yet at the same time Atlanta's future outlook isn't exactly as clear cut as some may think. The organization has always struggled to put fans into seats, and their owners have always been picky in regards to the financial side of things.
Right now, the word on the street is that they would like to sell their draft pick this year, and do whatever it takes to get Joe Johnson to re-sign. And so it really hinges on that alone - the value of the Hawks as trading partners varies depending on whether they retain Johnson or not. I feel with Johnson, Atlanta ownership will be more inclined to go way over the tax with two max players.
So let's say they do re-sign Joe Johnson for the max and then attempt to grab a 2nd max player in Bosh. What can they give the Raps?
Well obviously we can cross Johnson out. Because ATL doesn't want Bosh if JJ isn't their to pair them up, and Bosh doesn't want anything to do with ATL if he can't play with Joe.
They really don't have any expiring contracts of note - other than Jamal Crawford - and I don't think they send him off to us. As the reigning 6th man of the year, Jamal played too big of a role for the Hawks. On that note, I think he's just as important to the Hawks as Johnson is.
What does catch the eye right away however is their 4 and 5 position. With Bosh incoming, the Hawks present themselves with an interesting scenario. Right now, they have Josh Smith and Horford manning the inside. In my opinion, there's not enough room for a trio that includes Bosh. So possibly - we could end up with either Josh Smith or Al Hordford, both of whom would significantly help our pathetic defense.
And then of course there's the other "scenario". Atlanta could simply play Smith at the 3 spot - something he's well capable of - and have a nasty front-court of Horford/Bosh/Smith. With Bibby, Johnson, and Crawford providing the threats from the perimeter, that's a championship kind of team.
In this case, a Sign and Trade would most certainly revolve around Marvin Williams. Though not exactly the best of returns in regards to our defensive needs in the paint, Marvin provides us with that scoring wing who is capable of defending the perimeter as well. Fairly young at 24 year old, the North Carolina product has proven he can be efficient and score in bunches when given the touches. He hasn't quite become what the Hawks expected him to be when they picked him with the 2nd pick in the 2005 NBA draft. But perhaps a new scenery - and getting away from the shot heavy duo of Johnson and Crawford - will inspire him to breakout. Throw in a couple fillers as well as a TPE, and we're as set as we could possibly be in a trade that involves Atlanta.
My Preferred Scenario:
Raptors Trade Chris Bosh
Hawks Trade Josh Smith, and Maurice Evans (3 mil expiring)
Perhaps the details need to be worked out in that trade to match everything up, but an ideal return if the Hawks were to be our partners would involve Josh Smith. He'd provide us with one of the best help defenders in the league, as well as some much needed athleticism. For Atlanta, they get Bosh to return to the place where he played college basketball and gives Joe Johnson another max player to roll with. Immediately, they have one of the best inside-outside combos with Bosh and Johnson/Crawford.
More Likely Scenario:
Raptors Trade Chris Bosh
Hawks Trade Marvin Williams, Maurice Evans, Jeff Teague and/or Future 1st round draft pick, small TPE perhaps?
In this scenario, Atlanta goes all-in kind of like how Boston did a couple of years ago. They throw away their future for a chance at genuinely contending. The only difference is their talent isn't in the twilight of their careers. This would bring a ton of excitement to Atlanta, and would send us back into rebuilding mode with assets we could develop or flip in a future trade. It doesn't look like much, but it would probably be what we'd end up getting if Bosh was dead-set on going to Atlanta.
Selasa, 27 April 2010
Track-by-Track: The Ark - In Full Regalia

1. Take A Shine To Me - An Abba pastiche, plain and simple. The guys came close to this in 2007 with The Worrying Kind, but this is Abba through and through, adding a healthy dose of Beach Boys style harmonies. It's an upbeat, fun way to start the album... though it's a very different sound for them. 9/10
2. Superstar - It's my least favorite Ark single to launch an album, though still miles ahead of most bands. The aggressive guitar riff remains the highlight. Ola's vocals border on shrill here, though, which is a general complaint I have about the album as a whole. He's one of my favorite rock vocalists of all time, so I'm actually surprised to be saying that. 8/10
3. Stay With Me - The first big ballad, it has an odd sound to it. Reminds me a bit of an old standard. Very cinematic, but also intimate and genuinely touching. Ola's lower register makes a welcome reappearance in the first half, which is really quite beautiful. 8/10
4. Singin' 'Bout The City - The closest thing on the album to a future Ark classic, this sounds so unlike them, yet really works. It functions as the centerpiece to the album, a song-suite that manages to cram elements of disco, country, 70's rock and classical music into five minutes. The lyrics are great, the theatrical interlude is fantastic, and the ambition is there. The best track, for sure. 10/10
5. Have You Ever Heard A Song - This has grown more grandiose since we first heard the "acoustic" version. Taking cues from gospel, this rootsy ballad grows and grows until it hits a beautiful climax. It's simple, hymn-like, and the best ballad on the album. 9/10
6. Publicity Seeking Rockers - Total 70's glam about bands that are more concerned with tabloids and image than actual music. This one took awhile to grow on me, but once it did I was quite hooked. They've really mastered that early to mid-70's "glitter rock" sound. 9/10
7. I'll Have My Way With You, Frankie - Definitely the hardest sounding track the band have recorded since breaking out. It's an intense blend of chugging guitar and rapid-fire lyrics that's miles away from what we're used to from the Ark. It's an experiment that works, for sure. 10/10
8. All Those Days - I never thought I'd describe an Ark track as "dirge-like," but this 70's acid-trip of a ballad definitely fits the description. I think I would have loved it as a b-side, or even album-closer, but it cuts the energy placed where it is. it sounds like a Doors tribute song. Unexpected, and I'm not sure if it's a good thing. 7/10
9. Hygiene Squad - Jeez this is a strange little album, and this may be the strangest track of all. It's another flashback to what they used to call "junkshop glam." It's a genre I'm quite fond of, and the Ark do it justice. But the lyrics here are WEIRD. 9/10
10. The Red Cap - Which brings me to the last track. I'm trying to decipher the lyrics here, and if there's some meaning (historical?) that I'm not intelligent enough to be extracting from them. Regardless, this is actually one of my favorite tracks on the album. Maybe it's because it sounds the most like the old Ark. It's straightforward, with emphasis on melody. That's all I ask! 10/10
Album Grade: 8.9/10
Senin, 26 April 2010
Bright Light Bright Light - Love Part II

"Let everybody see I'm in love again"
After a day (or days) encompassing 26 hours of non-stop travel, I'm back in the States. And today I've got a great track by one-man electro sensation Bright Light Bright Light. Popjustice has been all over this guy, and rightly so. His smooth pop songs have the potential to take him very far. Love Part II is the best of the bunch, with a surging chorus that's more than a little 80's-influenced. He's also releasing a free download of his single, the more downtempo (but equally as good) A New Word To Say. I'm not sure what the plans are album-wise, but he's definitely an artist to watch. Along with Penguin Prison, BLBL represents a new hope for quality synth-pop in 2010. I'm liking where this year is going. Tomorrow (or maybe Wednesday) I'll have my track-by-track review of the Ark's new album. It may surprise you.
Bright Light Bright Light - Love Part II by alienhits
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Schwarzenegger: Hasta La Vista Baby! Mari Buat Akun FourSquare

popularitas foursquare semakin naik termasuk beberapa tokoh publik di luar negeri yang membuat akun foursquare selain akun twitter. tercatat gubernur california ke 38 arnold schwarzenegger yang juga salah satu bintang film holliwood ternama yang pernah dikenang dengan film-film actionnya seperti predator, terminator, kindergarten cop dan masih banyak lagi, selain membuat akun twitter di alamat @schwarzenegger juga membuat akun di foursquare di alamat
kalo akun twitter @schwarzenegger dengan label "verified account" alias akun asli sang pemilih yang terverifikasi, sedangkan akun foursquare @schwarzenegger dengan follower dengan jumlah seribu lebih (beda dengan yang di twitter dengan jutaan follower). akun foursquare @schwarzenegger ini hanya bisa diikuti saja, jadi hanya tersedia pilihan follower bukan friends seperti akun biasa.
saat postingan ini dibuat baru dua check-in yakni di "the governor's office" dan di "governor's office of economic development" serta baru memiliki satu bagde yakni "newbie". bagaimana dengan tokoh publik lain? bagaimana dengan di indonesia?

Jumat, 23 April 2010
Nimbuzz Mobile Chat Update V.1.1.2: Chatting menggunakan Perangkat Mobile & BlackBerry

kabar bagus buat pengguna nimbuzz dari indonesia terutama jika anda termasuk salah satu pengguna mobile chat client ini. nimbuzz sebagai salah satu alternatif mobile chat disamping palringo atau im+lite beberapa waktu yang lalu mengumumkan kalau mendukung 60 model perangkat blackberry yang ada saat ini termasuk beberapa model lama seperti 7100g, 7230, 8300, 8330 dan Pearl 8100.
update saat ini nimbuzz versi 1.1.2 mendukung 19 bahasa di dunia salah satu bahasa indonesia. ke 19 bahasa tersebut antara lain arab,cina tradisional, cina sederhana, jerman, belanda, inggris, prancis, ibrani, indonesia, itali, jepang, korea, persia, portugis, polish, rusia, spanyol, swedia dan turki. update lain adalah perbaikan pada masalah koneksi terutama di blackberry os 5.0 selain itu juga ada perbaikan login yang dia kali lebih cepat dari sebelumnya.
silahkan mencoba nimbuzz terbaru ini dengan layanan unggulan seperti dukungan terhadap berbagai layanan chatting, free call via skype, yahoo, windows live dan google talk serta dukungan share file, foto dan musik. layanan chatting yang didukungpun lumayan banyak seperti facebook chat, myspace chatm yahoo!messenger, icq, google talk/ orkut, windows live messenger, skype, aim, gadugadu, hyves dan beberapa lagi yang akan didukung.
saat ini selain nimbuzz for blackberry juga tersedia nimbuzz webchat 2.5 langsung via web, nimbuzz for iphone/ ipod touch, nimbuzz for pc/ mac, nimbuzz android dan juga nimbuzz for symbian untuk perangkat ponsel seperti nokia.
buat yang pengen mencoba nimbuzz for blackberry versi 1.1.2 silahkan donlod langsung via ota atau melalui blackberry app world.

Google Celebrate 20th Anniversary of Hubble Telescope Launch by NASA

hari ini (24.04.2010) google membuat logo khusus untuk memperingati "20 tahun peluncuran teleskop hubble" dengan membuat logo spesial google doodle yang bergambar teleskop hubble di luar angkasa. yang menarik, logo ini mirip dengan saat penyelenggaraan olympic games vancouver 2010 beberapa tahun lalu yakni doodle bukan hanya berupa logo tetapi dengan background yang memanjang dari sisi kiri ke kanan halaman utama google.
google doodle kali ini ditayangkan secara global diberbagai negara sebagai pengingat adanya teleskop hubble yang telah berhasil mengabadikan dan mengidentifikasikan sebagian besar benda-benda angkasa.
teleskop hubble merupakan salah satu teleskop luar angkasa yang berada di orbit bumi, nama hubble diambil dari nama ilmuwan terkenal amrik yakni edwin hubble. teleskop hubble diorbitkan pertama kali di tanggal 24 april oleh badan antariksa nasa.
Google Logo Yang Lain: Di Sini dan Di Facebook

Kamis, 22 April 2010
Pop Blitz 4/23/10 (U.K. Edition!)
Today marks my last full day in the UK, nearly a week after I anticipated staying here (yes, I'm an "ash traveler"), so I thought I'd celebrate what's hot right now in the country. It's mostly very good, actually.
Diana Vickers - Once
Hated her on X-Factor, but this is a cracking pop song. I guess I've been won over. It's shaping up to be quite the hit, as well. B+
Professor Green - Need You Tonight
This could have been very cool. The INXS sample works really well with a hip-hop song, but the tone of Prof Green's whiny vocals destroys it. They should've given it to Tinchy Stryder instead. C+
Scouting For Girls - This Ain't A Love Song
The video (with people hanging around an airport terminal) has certainly been apt this past week. I don't like everything this band does, but I like this. It's nice in that radio-soft-rock sorta way. B+
Plan B - She Said
Great video to this. The song's a little iffier, with a strong chorus but forgettable verses. I'm glad he does more singing than rapping, though. B-
Chiddy Bang - Opposite Of Adults
Another rap song built on a noticeable sample, but this one works. Using MGMT's Kids as a backbone, it's got a strong hook that's been lodged in my brain for days now. B
Florence + The Machine - Dog Days Are Over
Marvelous. It took a trip to the UK for me to fall in love with her, but I'm completely enchanted. The drums alone on this song are stunning. It's certainly an anthem-in-waiting. A
Tinie Tempah - Pass Out
A huge track over here, and the worst of the bunch. It's a case of unimaginative American-type rap, all about passing out because you drank too much. Charming. C-
Diana Vickers - Once
Hated her on X-Factor, but this is a cracking pop song. I guess I've been won over. It's shaping up to be quite the hit, as well. B+
Professor Green - Need You Tonight
This could have been very cool. The INXS sample works really well with a hip-hop song, but the tone of Prof Green's whiny vocals destroys it. They should've given it to Tinchy Stryder instead. C+
Scouting For Girls - This Ain't A Love Song
The video (with people hanging around an airport terminal) has certainly been apt this past week. I don't like everything this band does, but I like this. It's nice in that radio-soft-rock sorta way. B+
Plan B - She Said
Great video to this. The song's a little iffier, with a strong chorus but forgettable verses. I'm glad he does more singing than rapping, though. B-
Chiddy Bang - Opposite Of Adults
Another rap song built on a noticeable sample, but this one works. Using MGMT's Kids as a backbone, it's got a strong hook that's been lodged in my brain for days now. B
Florence + The Machine - Dog Days Are Over
Marvelous. It took a trip to the UK for me to fall in love with her, but I'm completely enchanted. The drums alone on this song are stunning. It's certainly an anthem-in-waiting. A
Tinie Tempah - Pass Out
A huge track over here, and the worst of the bunch. It's a case of unimaginative American-type rap, all about passing out because you drank too much. Charming. C-
Groove Armada - I Won't Kneel (ft. SaintSaviour)

"I came to ask for a second chance"
I heard this for the first time in an HMV a few days ago and was instantly taken. I admit I'm behind the curb, as this has been out since late last year, but Groove Armada aren't really one of my go-to bands. Producer/DJ acts in general don't usually do it for me. There's always something a little distant about their music. In this case, it's down to the lush vocals of SaintSaviour and the gorgeous 80's melody of I Won't Kneel to convert me. There was a band a couple years ago that I absolutely adored, but they never went anywhere. They were called Hotel Motel, and this reminds me what they'd sound like given expensive production and a thrust into the mainstream. The chorus here is sublimely beautiful... the kind of thing that conjures summer nights on the beach, lying in the retreating sun. It's got a shimmering, almost dreamlike quality to it that sounds about as far from a "dance act" as you could get. It's definitely a keeper.
Groove Armada - I Won't Kneel (ft. SaintSaviour) by milproj2
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Raptors Rundown Podcast E.5 [Season-In-Review With Dino Nation Blog]

So check it out.
Yeah, the NBA Playoffs are already well underway, and our Toronto Raptors are once again sitting on the outside looking in. But that doesn't mean we can't look back on the season that was and breakdown what exactly happened. True, the season turned out to be disappointing, but no one can deny the intrigue and entertainment that came out of it. This will always go down as a Raptors season quite like no other.
For episode 5, I have special guest James Borbath of the Dino Nation Blog to help me dissect what he describes as the "Raptors Rollercoaster". Topics include the home opener, the point guard situation, the Hedo Turkoglu mystery, Jay Triano's performance as a head coach, the Raptors' 20-7 stretch, Chis Bosh's amazing season and future, and many more.
Follow Dino Nation on twitter: @dinonationblog
Rabu, 21 April 2010
Google Celebrate Earth Day 2010

hari ini (22 april 2010) secara spesial google mempersembahkan logo khususnya-nya atau disebut google doodle dalam berpartisipasi kegiatan penyelamatan lingkungan secara global yakni earth day/ hari bumi/ ngày trái đất/ วัน คุ้มครองโลก/ アースデー/ 地球日 yang rutin dilangsungkan setiap tahunnya.
tahun ini google doodle bertema earth day dengan dominasi warna hijau pepohonan dan dedauanan sebagai tema erath hour tahun ini. google doodle tahun inipun melengkapi edisi earth day yang pernah dibuat sejak tahun 2001 sampai tahun 2009 kemarin yang dapat dilihat arsipnya di SINI.
Google Logo Yang Lain: Di Sini dan Di Facebook
Meat Loaf - California Isn't Big Enough (Hey There Girl)

"I know you're a queen... I'm just a pawn"
This has one of the most audacious, did-he-just-say-that hooks that I've ever heard in a mainstream rock track. I won't spoil it for you. You'll just have to listen. It was also written by the Darkness' Justin Hawkins and (coincidentally) Foxy Shazam's Eric Nally. This explains not only the line but also the fact that it's the best song on Meat Loaf's new album. I mean, is there a bigger dream team than those three? They were made to be together, basically. Meat Loaf's pretty much a rock god to me, though album-wise he's far past his prime. The new one's better than the last, but I prefer to return to his prime period of the 70's to early 90's. Still, it's always nice to hear something new. More importantly, this track has an amazing hook. It probably fits a band like the Darkness more than Meat Loaf (mostly because I don't want to hear him going on about what he goes on about here), but it's a punch of adrenaline either way. And, unlike some of the album's clunkers, it's restrained to under five minutes.
Meat Loaf - California Isn't Big Enough (Hey There Girl) by milproj2
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Music Video: The Bang Bang Club - Chemistry
Hands down one of the best singles of the year. And now it has a video! Not sure what all the paint means, but it's cool nonetheless. Watch out for these guys. They're set to take off.
Selasa, 20 April 2010
New Update FourSquare For BlackBerry Now Available

FourSquare For BlackBerry akhirnya rilis juga update untuk versi beta 1.8.2 yang sudah dapat didonlod di situsnya secara resmi setelah banyaknya laporan masalah error maupun masalah connection.
Banyak perubahan dibanding versi sebelumnya yang dapat dilihat langsung mulai dari layar pembuka yang menampilkan logo utama FourSquare kemudian tampilan lain yang lebih mudah digunakan. Fitur baru yang ditambahkan antara lain "Copy Venue Info", sekarang tidak ada lagi halaman "More" digantikan halaman "Me" yang berisi avatar dan nama pengguna serta beberapa sub menu "Setting", "History & Profile" dan "Manage Friends".
Halaman "Friends" berisi data check-in yang lebih lengkap dari semua teman yang dikelompokkan dalam "Last 3 Hours", "Today", "Yesterday", "Older" dan " Friends in Other Cities". Halaman "Places" ada tambahan kotak pencarian di bagian atas, kemudian di bawahnya ada daftar tempat-tempat terdekat dari lokasi pengguna yang dikelompokkan dalam "My Favourite" dan "Nearby" serta ada tombol "Not in List" apabila tempat yang akan dipilih tidah tersedia. Halaman "Tips" tersedia keterangan dari berbagai venue yang ada di sekitar pengguna sebagai bahan referensi.
Saat ini bahkan kita dapat melihat secara lengkap teman kita dari A-Z yang berurutan (See your friends) selain "Add Friends" dan "Friend REquests" dan fitur "See Your Friends" ini juga dapat untuk melihat daftar teman dari teman kita apabila kita klik nama teman yang diinginkan. Halaman profil juga lebih lengkap isinya termasuk juga daftar badges yang udah didapatkan.
Di versi terbaru ini sudah ada perbaikan beberapa celah yang terjadi termasuk masalah Connection yang untuk beberapa operator tertentu tidak dapat langsung digunakan tetapi harus melakukan pengaturan konektivitas tertentu yang dampaknya akan dikenakan biaya khusus karena tidak melewati BIS, contohnya untuk versi lawas adalah operator XL yang harus mengganti settingan terlebih dahulu. Untuk versi baru ini belum dicoba apakah sudah support operator tertentu tersebut.
Yang belum instal aplikasi FourSquare for BlackBerry terbaru ini silahkan meluncur ke dan jika sudah selesai donlod segera lakukan setting "User Permissions" dengan cara buka "Option" terus "Advance Option" terus "Applications", kemudian cari "FourSquare" klik menu "Edit Permissions" dan ganti ke settingan "Allow" untuk "Connection", "Interaction" dan "User Data". Setelak selesai segera klik "Exit" dan "Save" baru buka aplikasi FourSquare.
Baca Juga : 4/16 is FourSquare Day
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