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Senin, 31 Mei 2010

How To Unlocked Foursquare Road Warrior Badge?

pengen unlocked badge "road warrior" di foursquare seperti gambar di samping? caranya sangat mudah, cukup check-in tiga kali menggunakan aplikasi "waze" di perangkat mobile akan langsung mendapatkan badge spesial ini.aplikasi "waze" saat ini tidak hanya tersedia buat pengguna iphone dan android saja tetapi pengguna blackberry, windows mobile dan nokia/ symbian dapat menggunakan aplikasi social mobile...

Google Memorial Day Logo 2010

sempat perhatikan halaman utama google.com pada tanggal 31 mei 2010 ini? di bawah kotak pencarian ada bendera amerika plus pita warna kuning dan tulisan "In honor of the soldiers who have given their lives for our country".tidak seperti biasanya untuk memperingati tanggal tertentu google membuat logo khusus atau dinamakan google doodle tapi kali ini google cukup menambahkan bendera dan pita saja untuk...

Operator Please - Just Kiss

"This handshake is weak"I've been meaning to write about this album for awhile now. I've been loving Australia's Operator Please ever since their debut a couple of years ago. I still think Just A Song About Ping Pong is one of the best teenage freakouts of the past decade. There's something charming about a bunch of kids strapping on instruments and recording an album. It fulfills the ultimate teenage...

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Aplikasi World Cup 2010 For BlackBerry

Bagi pecandu olah raga sepak bola pasti gak akan mau ketinggalan berita-berita tentang piala dunia 2010 atau World Cup 2010 yang dilangsungkan di Afrika Selatan.Jika anda juga pemilik perangkat BlackBerry, sepertinya wajib pasang aplikasi ini biar gak ketinggalan jadwal pertandingan termasuk score yang diperoleh masing-masing negara.Aplikasi World Cup 2010 for BlackBerry ini dapat diunduh langsung...

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Kaka - Below This Sun

"This funky little planet's no fun"Kaka (aka: Ricky Karlsson, formerly of the Mo) is back! It's quite a welcome return, as his solo debut was a brilliant collection of slightly off-kilter synth pop. The new single, Below This Sun, is more of the same. This time around, though, there's a funky marching band beat underpinning the track. Production wise, it reminds me a little of Madonna's hit 4 Minutes....

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Nicole Scherzinger Address

Nicole ScherzingerHollywood Singer / ActressBirth Name: Nicole Elikolani Prescovia ScherzingerBirth Date: June 29, 1978Birth Place: Honolulu, Hawaii, USAHeight: 5' 5"Sex: FemaleNationality: AmericanProfession: Actress, SingerEducation: Youth Performing Arts School at duPont Manual High SchoolWright State University in DaytonMother: Rosemary Scherzinger Sister: Ke'ala Scherzinger Step Father:...

Track-by-Track: Eric Saade - Masquerade

Welcome back, teen pop of the late 90's/early 00's. If you're missing a little Bye Bye Bye in your life, seek this album out right away. It won't appeal to everyone, and certainly carries a little more than its fair share of cheese, but as far as dance pop records go, this is well-worth checking out. 1. Masquerade - Kicking off with hard video-game style beats, this is a fantastic opening to the overall...

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Andrew W.K. - Gundam Rock

I have made a discovery, and like many of the best discoveries, it comes from the most unlikely of places. Remember Andrew W.K., the hard-rocking, synth-playing artist behind 2001's ferocious one-off Party Hard? Well, it turns out he's pretty big in Japan, which led him to release an album of Japanese covers (in English) as part of the 30th anniversary of the popular Gundam anime series. I know, we're...

Facebook Zero Sudah Dapat Diakses Secara Gratis Di Indonesia

seperti postingan sebelumnya beberapa waktu yang lalu kalo kalo facebook secara resmi merilis facebook zero yang dapat diakses secara cepat dan gratis via perangkat mobile di alamat http://0.facebook.com untuk saat ini pengguna indonesia bahkan ada 4 operator yang sudah bekerja sama.pada awalnya cuman ada 3 yakni axis, three dan telkomsel, saat ini bertambah menjadi empat dengan masuknya xl dengan...

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Bjorn Johan Muri - Circles

Okay, so like an idiot I totally pasted over my Bjorn Johan Muri post from yesterday. Never made that particular error before! It was bound to happen eventually, I guess.I may try to type up a new post on it later, but for now here's the song again. It probably speaks for itself, anyways... Bjørn Johan Muri - Circles by alienh...

Yahoo! Acquires Koprol, The Indonesian Location-Based Community

berita mengejutkan di ranah social media indonesia siang ini sekitar jam 12 siang kurang ada pengumuman salah satu start-up lokal koprol yang diakuisisi oleh yahoo!. buat saya sendiri terkesima dengan koprol yang berusaha menggeliat untuk bermain serius di dunia social media khususnya yang berbasis lokasi yang sementara di indonesia mulai di dominasi foursquare dengan segala keunggulannya.hari ini...

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