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Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

The Top 20 Are Richest Man

/ On : 07.51/ Thank you for visiting my small blog here. If you wanted to discuss or have the question around this article, please contact me e-mail at herdiansyah hamzah@yahoo.com.

The top 20 are richest man in the World:

1. Carlos Slim HelĂș & family
2. Bill Gates
3. Warren Buffett
4. Bernard Arnault
5. Larry Ellison
6. Lakshmi Mittal
7. Amancio Ortega
8. Eike Batista
9. Mukesh Ambani
10. Christy Walton & family
11. Li Ka-shing
12. Karl Albrecht
13. Stefan Persson
14. Vladimir Lisin
15. Liliane Bettencourt
16. Sheldon Adelson
17. David Thomson & Family
18. Charles Koch
19. David Koch
20. Jim Walton

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