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Rabu, 13 April 2011

10 Things Child Care Providers will not tell

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You leave your child with them every day and you trust completely. But there are some things even care your provider does not tell you - about your child, your colleagues and possibly himself.

The following are 10 things that your nanny, babysitter, and the operator of child care will not say. (To protect their anonymity, some providers of care, we asked respondents to identify them by name.)

1. How do you feel about your business services

You can be in a hurry to put the child in the child or picking their way home, but that's no reason not to take a moment to be kind to your doctor. "Parents should talk to the person responsible in how they want their child to work: polite, use please and thank you," said Matilda Williams, who runs child care for children at home in New Jersey. "Yes, a service that works for you, but it does not mean that they can be treated without respect. If a child sees his father or mother talking to a supplier without respect, so he will learn."

2. Timing is important

Be on time to pick up your child's questions, not only with your provider for child care, but also for your children. "They may think it does not matter, because his mom or dad makes no effort will take time," says Williams. "Children learn very quickly that their friends supported early or on time, and they picked up after each went home. They do not agree with that."

3. Childcare is not good

Lisa, the nurse in Greenville, South Carolina, said that she was fired when she refused to clean house. "Because I do not want to clean the bathroom, they decided to put [the child], child care," she said. However, families may confuse the role of the nurse. Personally, Tina Carey, a full time nanny in the Boston area, once quit a job because she did not want to polish the family money. "I said:" No, ma'am. If you are looking for a housekeeper, not me. "

"The guards did not bother me to clean house," said Candi Wingate, President Nannies4Hire, "But it's discouraging when another mess that awaits them when they report for work the next morning. It is logical to expect the nanny to clean up after them, but it pending expect nurses, who will be responsible for all household tasks. "

4. They see other nannies to cry - or ignore - the other children

For each service provider that carries the load in the park, there are countless others in the chat on their cell phones or talking with friends. Carey said she once saw a boy about to get under the car while her babysitter asleep on a blanket in the park. "There was a care I would see at school ... who would constantly scream and scold the child care," said the nurse named Jennifer. "I wondered how the child's parents may have hired a woman like that."

5. Little thanks goes a long way

Do not skimp on the person who ties the laces of your children, fix snacks, and wipes her tears. "I spend five to seven days a week and help to educate their children at Christmas, I got a mud mask Re-gifted," said Lisa. "I totally cried," she said. " I did not even write a letter of thanks. "

Speaking of thank you letters, you can send from time to time. "When the nurse goes beyond the letter of thanks or just a perk is a nice touch," said WinGate. "Guard, like everyone else, should feel that their good work has not gone unnoticed."

6. You have to discipline your children

"Some parents do not believe in discipline," said Carey. But giving in to tantrums is basically saying that children were shouting and screaming, they get what they want. Children of smart, "said Carey.

Of course, your kids might be better behaved when you are away. "Why does your child listen to me and not you?" Because I have clear rules and stick to them, "said certified preschool teacher Dionne Obeso. "You do not become soft, and your children know."

7. Your child may be a tyrant

"If your children are regularly involved in fights, they are likely to consider them," said Obeso. If you see the bites and bruises on your child, ask your doctor, who actually hit all. They can be afraid to tell you about my own.

8. Your children need more attention ... You

Lisa works in a family where both parents travel frequently. "Kids do not miss," she said. But parents should also be present when they are home. 10-year-old boy, she was in prison, his father read the story, he wrote recently. "Father of the face of his Blackberry and said:" Yeah, well, yes. "Liza," said the boy acts when he misses his parents. "He wakes up every night at least twice a night and asks her mother." He starts to cry, "she said.

9. Your child has a problem of development

No parent wants to hear that something is wrong with the child, but worry about little Johnny for 10 hours a day allows the nurse is very attentive. "Being a parent myself, this is a sensitive issue," said Carey. "You want the best for your child, but you do not want to hear."

10. You get what you pay and what you're looking for

providers of child care may not wish to sell based on price alone, but "you can certainly get what you pay for childcare," said Melody Raby, owner and president of Smart sits at home and New York Guard. "I encourage parents to reduce the less important issues, such as classes of better price, rather than paying less for a less qualified doctor, which may significantly affect the self-starting your child's strengths and limitations of their learning experience for many hours a week."

If you expect someone to teach your young child, make sure they are qualified, or do they actually deliver the services you think they will provide. Children's book author Jennifer Lynn Pereira found that when she put her eldest daughter in prison. "We expected that when she was three years old they begin to teach her the letters and numbers. Well, we learned that this is the center of a strictly believes in learning through play and not make any What type of structured learning."

With her second daughter, Pereira, there are two things about the center, they decided: the staff were all there for over 10 years, who showed him that they were satisfied with their jobs. "I chalk it up to sound management practices," she said. "I firmly believe that good governance equals happiness, school teachers, and teachers to produce a happy, happy children."

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